Weird SignChangeEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by 16davidjm6, Jan 25, 2015.

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        public void makeSign(SignChangeEvent event){
            logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": changed the text on a sign");
            //check if the player has permission to make this sign
                logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": does not have permission to make a sign for this plugin");
            //get the first line of the sign
            String line = event.getLines()[0];
            logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": first line: " + line)
            //check if the text is set correctly
                logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": has permission to make a sign for this plugin, but made a different sign");
                logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": sign's first line: " + line);
            //change the color to blue
            event.setLine(0, ChatColor.DARK_BLUE + "[RandomTP]");
            logToFile(event.getPlayer().getName() + ": made a sign");
    So this code works perfectly on 99% of servers. A player creates a sign. If they have the correct permission, and the first line of the sign says [RandomTP], the text on the first line turns blue.

    However, of the thousands of downloads this plugin has, 1 person came with a report saying this didn't work. When looking at their debug file, it said that their first line was ?0[RandomTP].

    This only happens on 1 server and I can't figure out why. Does anyone have any idea? (I have tested this code on 18 other servers ranging from MC 1.5 to MC 1.8 with no issues)
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    Well, because it said '?', that could mean something. Have you tested it on his server, or he just opened an issue with saying that?
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    he opened an issue with saying it. I've tried different things such as stripping the color code, which didn't work.
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    Did he try disabling all other plugins and then testing it?
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    Either they actually typed ?o.... On the sign or maybe they tried putting a color code on the sign.
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    Probably he is using MAC, it sometimes adds this weird symbol to the sign text.
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    They had told me they were on the most recent version of bukkit. I had them actually give me their version number and they were on git-Bukkit-24557bc. This is before the thing that tells you how many versions behind you are was even added.

    They haven't replied since I had them update, so I assume it was some bug that existed somewhere along the way in bukkit.

    Issue solved.
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