Why isn`t this working?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Juancomaster1998, Jan 24, 2015.

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  1. Hi, I`m trying to spawn an Item at a specific location, the item is spawning, but the location is a bit "random", it always spawn 1 or 2 blocks away from where it has to spawn.

    double x = p.getLocation().getBlock().getLocation().getX()+0.5;
                        double z = p.getLocation().getBlock().getLocation().getZ()+2.5;
                        double y = p.getLocation().getBlock().getLocation().getY()+3;
                        Location loc = new Location(p.getWorld(), x, y, z);
                        Item i = p.getWorld().dropItem(loc, Rewards.reward(p, InventoryClick.cpchest.get(p)));
    I want it to spawn at the top of the block that is Z +2 from the player.

    There aren`t any crashes, Thanks ^^
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2015
  2. Offline


    Change from Next Key to Next Keys
  3. haha, that's funny..., I told you that
    (he`s a partner)
  4. Offline


    use getBlockZ() etc iustead of just getZ(). Additionally for the key thing just check if they're waiting on another key before giving them one in the command.
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