"invisible" light block

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by fireball9919, Jan 16, 2015.

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    Heres my thought. We have awesome builds but far to often if there are not enough windows, glowestone, lava, torches and other light sources, it stays dark and the light placed does not "cover" as much ground as we would like or hope. So i'm proposing an idea a plugin that either crates an "invisible" block, (not the invis block that was given in 1.8) but it would trick the server into thinking that theres a block in a place that their really isn't. I'm not as good of a coder to be able to understand with all the API's and other information given to find out if this can actually work or not but it's a thought.
    select area with World Edit
    /fakelight set
    or another way
    place any block of your choice
    /fakelight replace [Radius] [block name or ID]
    (WE selection would mean you dont have to put the radius perm)
    Perms: fakelight.admin

    Another way to go about this is to possibly modify the lighting distance some how. like a command that selects any light source within a certain radius or can be done with world edit selection.

    /lightamp [radius] [percentage]
    Perms: lightamp.admin
    this isn't an urgent plugin that everyone MUST HAVE but it is defiantly a plugin that I believe a lot of people would enjoy. Think of it as throwing out those old incandescent light bulbs and installing brand new LED's with a dimmer switch. Over all, lighting needs to be improved somehow in minecraft.
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    But yet. I do support this plugin :) Hope someone makes it!
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    For any developers wishing to make this, there is an existing resource that may or may not be up to date.
    As for myself, it's late, I'm tired, and there is much studying to be done for semester finals ;)
    I'm in full support of this idea and hope it comes to fruition, best of luck to all who try this!
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    @fireball9919 As long as the end isn't an important place for you to be, you can use an end portal block (119) to light the place up - it emits the maximum possible light. Just place it in mid-air or something, but make sure to turn end off in bukkit.yml.
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