World Copying

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TehVoyager, Jan 18, 2015.

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    Hello, I have a map on my server where players will play and one where admins build. I want to make it so that every night or when I run a command the build world is copied to the player world. How would I do that?
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    Well you'd overwrite any changes the players have made to the normal world in the mean time. I'm not sure that's desirable behaviour.
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    Restart the server and re-name world folders on a shutdown hook? Seems like you'll run into a lot more issues than just switching the worlds.
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    @mythbusterma It's not like a normal survival server, that is what I want to happen.

    @1Rogue I don't understand what you mean, I want the plugin to remove the region files and re-add the ones from the original map but I want the players to be in the same location.
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    So then do that and just copy over player data.

    This sounds like an XY problem, what are you actually trying to accomplish by doing this? Loading arenas?
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    This CAN be done using a script. Bash, Perl, Batch, depending on OS would all be able to achieve the desired affect. However, exactly what you want to do here is a bit cloudy.

    You want players to stay as they are, and for only blocks to change on shutdown/restart? That can be done, and if you'd like, I can write you a Perl script to do it. I'd probably make the script in such a way that it also starts the server, to be sure it is actually stopped when the copy operation is done...

    However, if you want a plugin to do this, it's fairly out of my league how to even begin. You'd need to unload the world, which means you'd also have to have a handle on it upon startup, making your plugin the one to load it in the first place...
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