Shop (i have my own currency system)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Sexy284, Jan 16, 2015.

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    So I need a shop that opens a shop menu and the command to do this would be /tshop and it would open a Menu that is customizable. I can configure the shop name and everything. I had a plugin made by a friend called Tokens, so i have my own tokens could you make it so the shop depends on this plugin and it takes away tokens from this plugin the command to take tokens away from a player in this plugin is /tokens remove {player} {#} And I can configure everything from the price of the object to what is in the shop.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Sexy284 You need an API on that plugin, not a command
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    If your economy plugin utilizes Vault. You can use BossShop.
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    I have had an API plugin, but the problem is I want the shop plugin so when It takes tokens away from the user, if they dont have enough it will tell them You dont have enough tokens! Instead on this one it is going into the negative. And they can buy higher items, Because i use menus and i have commands on it /give @p diamond /tokens remove 5 something like that but if they have 1 token they can still buy it cause the give command
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Sexy284 Those commands aren't the way to buy items. That is for sure.
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    Could you maybe code one like this?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Sexy284 Ask the developer of your token plugin to hook into Vault, that would fix pretty much every issue about this.
    I won't make a shop plugin for an economy plugin without Vault hook for sure.
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    @Sexy284 If you end up using Vault then you can use my plugin BetterShops. It includes just about everything you need and is completely customizable including the ability to change every message in the chat and GUI.
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