AutoSell basic guide?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Bowser_Jr, Jan 13, 2015.

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    Greetings, Bowser_Jr here with my first post ever xD
    Anways, I was wondering if anyone could give me a basic description on how to make a autosell plugin.
    It will be enabled with /as on and /as off

    It will have 5 different shops named a, b, c, d, e
    In each shop i'm going to be able to add items like this
    Diamond_Sword 10

    I don't really know how to do this, Please I would love if you could give me a basic guide. This is not a plugin request. Just a basic coding guide.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Bowser_Jr What do you have so far?
    Probably want to toggle somewhere, events, lists
  3. You need to iterate through each item in the inventory, check if the item is in the shop, give the player the money, remove the item from inventory
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  5. Offline


    Oh, just some advice. If you do autoselling, please have messages turned off, that'll get annoying. Good luck with your prison server.
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    wHy do you think its for a prison server? It's for a survival server ;P
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