Deny permissions to ops

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sheeeeeeets, Dec 30, 2014.

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    I have a small server that 3-4 guys from work play on, that I would like to disable certain commands.

    Alot of the plugins I have require people to be an op, but being an op gives the player WAY too much power. We dont want our players to do the following:

    bukkit.command.give: False
    bukkit.command.gamemode: False
    bukkit.command.xp: False
    bukkit.command.defaultgamemode: False
    bukkit.command.enchant: False
    bukkit.command.effect: False

    I tried setting it up like that in the default bukkit 'permissions.yml', but got errors every time my server booted and tried to read it.

    Being opped would give my players access to the 7-8 plugins in full, without specifying rights to each. I just don't want them teleporting, changing game modes, giving xp, enchanting or adding effects via commands in game though.

    I read somewhere about assigning players "nodes", but this whole thing is new to me and have been self taught so far, so have NO idea what that is, if it needs done.

    Can anyone throw me a bone please? I have a feeling this is pretty easy, no?
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    Give them the false command e.g:

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    @sheeeeeeets If you have a permissions plugin (GroupManager or PermissionsEx) you can just revoke the permissions from the player (-command.command) or to not give them it at all.
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    Plan on just op'ing them and strickly denying them what i dont want them to have through craftbukkits permision.yml, if thats possible.

    If not, say the players name is JonJon. What exactly would i have to do, after making JonJon an op to deny him those commands?

    If there is an easier way, or any way for that matter, can i get a little more details?

    If i have to download and use permissionex or group manager, how hard are they to use in this situation?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @sheeeeeeets Use PEX or groupmanager instead of the OP status.
    You will get way more control that way
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    @sheeeeeeets Well groupmanager comes with permissions already there. PEX you have to set the up yourself.
  7. @PolarCraft That's of no real benefit other than seeing the format, though - you still have to setup the permissions yourself as naturally GroupManager isn't psychic :p
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    @AdamQpzm Depends if you just need the default permissions or not.
  9. @PolarCraft But knowing something like that isn't really possible to anticipate. People have all sorts of groups, plugins have all sorts of permissions... there really isn't much of a "default". It's very unlikely that GroupManager will generate a permissions file you don't want to adjust, unless you're unwilling to put in any effort to your server.
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    So what's the good word? What best fits my current scenario? Looks like I will have to set a whole bunch of permissions either way?

    Using the following plugins, that OP all work for (OP just gives too much permission):

    Sensible ToolBox

    That's alot of permissions to dish out, seeing that making someone OP and restitricting a handful COULD be possible, right?

    Installed PEX and here is as far as I got off of the default template....

    permissions: false
    - admin
    default: {}
    permissions.*: true
    - user
    permissions: true
    coolplugin.item: true
    - default
    build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'
    debug: false

    That right there stops me from TP'ing, but lets me do everything else. If I add more permissions in the permission field, they are red and give an error when plugin loads and do not work. How would I go about doing multiple permissions?

    Can someone assist in getting these commands in permissions as false for 4 different players?


    EDIT BELOW - Sorry BWF, and thanks for merging!

    For those interested, I had a much easier time picking up GroupManager plugin over PermissionsEx. Could be just me, but I found it much easier and created the correct permissions for 4 players, in one group, in about 5 minutes.

    Thanks for all the assistance in this thread. I greatly appreciate the helpful Minecraft community!!!!

    <Edited by bwfcwalshy: Merged posts, please use the edit button rather than double posting.>
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2014
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