Floating Diamond and Emerald Blocks in Unloaded Chunks

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Onewingseraphim, Dec 21, 2014.

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    I have no idea what this is and it's rather annoying, does anyone know off hand which plugin or what would be causing this? It only shows in unloaded chunks and you can never touch them or reach them, they practically are placeholders for unloaded chunks but I have no idea what it is from.

    Yes I'm aware I could find the culprit causing it by removing plugins 1 by 1 and finding out which one it is, however I'm running on a host and I have a few players on pretty often, plus I have about 80 Plugins so that could take forever finding out which one it is... Don't be rude to me about it, if you don't actually want to help me then don't comment I don't need "Oh why don't you just remove plugins and find it yourself" or "Quit being lazy do it yourself" or "80 Plugins!? Are you stupid!?"... I don't want your rude comments I just need to know if anyone has experienced this before also and if they know what plugin may be doing it.

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Onewingseraphim Localhost server would work to find this ( yes it would take lots of time )
    Could you post your plugin list?
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    AsyncWorldEditInjector, Deathcraft, ColorGuide, MassiveCore, Vault, Cinema, MorePotions, ChatEditor, TreeAssist, CreateYourOwnMenus, WhatIsIt, ProtocolLib, Votifier, GAListener, AFKTerminator, WorldEdit, CreativeGates, AntiBotUltra, PermissionsEX, HealthBar, NCore, MyCommand, UnlimitedRecipes, WorldGuard, BoosCooldowns, GlobalMarket, CoreProtect-Anti-Xray, uuidAPI, Gifting Plugin, CoreProtect, ClearLag, ScheduledAnnouncer2, FirstJoinPlus, AutoSaveWorld, RandomTP, NoFlyPVP, Essentials, floAuction, WorldBorder, MCBans, SilkSpawners, NTheEndAgain, ClickSort, CraftBook, AsyncWorldEdit, OtherDrops, EssentialsSpawn, VirtualPack, EssentialsChat, HolographicDisplays, MCMMO, MobArena, Multiverse-Inventories, VanishNoPacket, SignShop, TouchScreenHolograms, AreaShop, PlotCheck, MoreSounds, NoCheatPlus, PreciousStones, Horses, MinigamesLib, MGConquer, MGWarlock, MGnoteblockblitz, MGbowbash, MGgungame, MGskywars, MGflyingcars
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