Can't create more than one plugin??!?!?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by stenlankreijer, Dec 20, 2014.

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    How on earth is this possible?!?!
    I'm creating multiple projects as I want to create multiple plugins.
    I've finished my first plugin, and created my second project.
    Now just all the plugins collide and only one can be loaded. For all my other plugins it says "Plugin already initialized"?! Like all the IDs or something are the same?
    I just can't create multiple plugins, the name in the plugin.yml is different, they are just very different projects, etc.

    Please help me? Thanks
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    The only thing that would matter in that context as far as causing that particular exception would be name collisions, which is why you should proper naming convention in package and class name:

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    I had a "plugin already initialized" error when I accidentally had the jar of one of my plugins be copied inside the JAR of the second one.
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    I also had this error when two plugins I made had the exact same main path in both plugins' plugin.yml. Most (small) plugins I make are just in one package called "stuff" and I would always call the main class Main, so I ended up with two plugin.ymls with this:
    main: stuff.Main
    Apparently Bukkit can't handle that. That's when I started naming my main classes after the plugin name rather than calling them Main.
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    Have you renamed the file when exporting?
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    Thanks that fixed it :)

    Thanks everyone else for posting also ;)
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