
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kneeven, Jan 28, 2011.

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    Ok, so I got the whole plugin development figured out, what I cant figure out is how to get SQLite to work with bukkit. It works fine when I use it in regular java apps. Cant figure out what I'm doing wrong, (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.sqlite.JDBC),
    and yes the lib is included in project. I know I'm not the only one who has encountered this problem.

    Anyone got some plugin code examples I can take a peek at?

    Thanks! :eek:

    EDIT: I could post my code here but I'd rather keep that to myself...
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    Jumpin' in on this. I'm trying to make a plugin work with MySQL and I have the same problem.
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    I'm currently doing a tutorial on it but for now.
    Reasearch into JDBC.
    Also take a look at the source code of BigBrother that uses SQL i believe.
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    Kaplooow! I'll look into the BigBrother source.
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