Solved Could not cast Slime to Creature

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Deleted user, Dec 8, 2014.

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    Deleted user

    I need a Creature object to access the Creature.setTarget(LivingEntity) method.
    How do I get it from a Slime object?

    Here is what I have so far. The same problem occurs when using an Entity object.
    1. Creature creature = (Creature)Slime;

    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.entity.CraftSlime cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Creature
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  2. Joiner I'm guessing that'll be because CraftSlime isn't a Creature ;) Have you tried looking at the methods (including inherited methods) that CraftSlime has available?
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    Joiner Please don't name your variables starting with capital letters, follow the java conventions.
    AdamQpzm likes this.
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    Deleted user

    AdamQpzm :O
    Then how do I get access to the Creature.setTarget(LivingEntity) method for a slime?

    aaomidi It is not a variable. I use to put the class name to represent a non-relevant variable when posting on the web.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2016
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    Deleted user

    aaomidi I cannot find any Slime.setTarget(LivingEntity) methods.
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    Joiner that should tell you enough about Slimes :p.
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    Deleted user

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    Joiner that you can't set it's target (at least not through the API).
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    Deleted user

    fireblast709 Ok. What does the Creature class represent?
    It says: Creatures are non-intelligent monsters or animals which have very simple abilities.
    Isn't slime a monster?
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    Joiner Looks at Slime's superinterfaces
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    Joiner If Slime doesn't extend / implement Creature then that's too bad, not much you can do about it. For all we know, this might be a huge bug, and at the same time it might be intended.
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    Deleted user

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    @Joiner [NMS] You can try to make a class that extends EntitySlime and implements Creature
  15. @Gingerbreadman The solution wouldn't be so simple, though. You could, but you'd still need to actually make the methods yourself.
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    Deleted user

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    @Joiner you could always check which PathfinderGoals Slimes have, and set the target yourself (requires some knowledge of nms, but you might avoid implementing stuff yourself)
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    Deleted user

    @fireblast709 Too hard.
    EntityTargetEvent.setTarget(Entity) seems easy, then why is it so hard out of that event?
  20. @Joiner Maybe it's not in Slime's nature to have a target. Maybe it was a mistake.
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    Deleted user

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    @Joiner I actually was working on an API (It works, I just didint release it), it lets you change the health, speed, damage per an attack and target
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    Deleted user

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