Updating Bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Elementwing4962, Nov 6, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Hello. I curainly own a server with CraftBukkit 1.7.9-RO.2. I am wondering if I update to 1.7.9-RO.3, can I still use plugings from 1.7.9RO.2?
  2. Offline


    If a plugin break or not on an update is different between each plugin.
    In most cases plugins will not break unless there is a major change or the plugin was working with a part of Minecraft that majorly changed.
    You usually wont know until you try or read the info/wiki on each plugin you are using.
  3. Offline


    Alright, thanks.
  4. Offline


    Elementwing4962 Just a heads up, but don't delete your CraftBukkit 1.7.9-RO.2 jar file until you know that your updated server runs.

    If you accidentally use a Bukkit jar instead of a CraftBukkit one, your server won't function. I'm mentioning this because there's no legal way to download CraftBukkit right now and I'm not sure where your updated file is coming from. Some people have deleted their old jars before they realized this and it has made them very sad. Just thought you might want to be aware of that.
  5. Offline


    You need to ask yourself if it's necessary to go to R0.3?

    The updates in these versions are:
    Updated version to 1.7.9-R0.3-SNAPSHOT for development towards next release.
    Rewrite BukkitMirrorTest
    Fix failing BukkitMirrorTest
    Add damage modifier API in EntityDamageEvent. Adds BUKKIT-347, BUKKIT-4104
    Replace getOnlinePlayers to provide a view. Adds BUKKIT-5668

    Ask yourself - "If it ain't broke, do I need to fix it?"
    What is the plugin you are using, which needs these new parts of the API?
  6. Offline


    Hello have not lag in this my server?
  7. Offline


    Good for you. Expensive hardware also removes lag.
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