[5 Variations of Skyblock]

Discussion in 'General Help' started by Geekxboy, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Server IP:
    Server Description:
    Geekcraft is a hub server with 5 variations of Skyblock including: Skyblock, Hellblock (Skyblock in the nether), Endblock (Skyblock in the end), Kcolbyks (Reverse skyblock), and Shroomblock (skyblock in a mushroom biome with mooshrooms and giants).​
    Normal Skyblock experience with custom island generation.​
    A nether themed version of Skyblock​
    Custom Netherrack Generator​
    Wither Boss Battles​
    Custom Glowstone Trees​
    Custom Weapons, armour and tools​
    An end themed version of Skyblock​
    Grass Generator​
    Enderdragon Bos Battles​
    Easier Obsidian breaking​
    Custom EndTrees​
    Custom weapons, armour and tools​
    A mushroom themed version of Skyblock​
    All in the "mushroom island" biome​
    Mycelium islands with mushroom "trees"​
    Custom giant and mushroom spawning mechanics​
    Giant Boss Battles​
    A "reverse" version of Skyblock​
    Island materials make the trees​
    Tree materials make up the island​
    Upside down tree growth​
    Upside down mob spawning​
  2. Offline


    Kcolbyks is really cool ;)
    (One question tho: How the **** do you pronounce it xD)​
  3. Offline


    You dont :p
    I always just call it reverse skyblock
  4. Offline


    I am currently in the process of re-adding/recoding my zombie survival server and that will be added soon
  5. Geekxboy This is not a CraftBukkit powered server and therefore does not belong on these forums.
  6. Offline


    You seem to ruin everything on these forums nowadays. Bukkit will die out faster will people like you.
  7. callum2904 Thanks babe <3

    Seriously though, this is no reason to break rules. This is not what Bukkit is for. The community has undoubtedly decreased dramatically, but I'd say that's due to the DMCA, the development closing, the staff changes, and so on. Bringing in more members by breaking the rules does not help the community, it harms it. I would rather see the community die gracefully than morph into something that it's not, only to end up dying in the end anyway.
    Lolmewn, JaguarJo and DrPyroCupcake like this.
  8. Invisible


    I agree with you. Only servers using CraftBukkit should post on the Bukkit forums.
    AdamQpzm likes this.
  9. Offline


    AdamQpzm and what makes you think im not using craftbukkit?
  10. Invisible


  11. Offline


    Its actually a stripped down version of spigot used as a load balancer and DDoS protection
    The actual server runs CraftBukkit

    And the mod name can also be changed. Try looking it up again
  12. Geekxboy From what I recall, I was able to join this server on 1.8 - an obvious sign of a non-craftbukkit server. I might be confusing it with another server, but when I checked this definitely was not CraftBukkit.
  13. Offline


    AdamQpzm So changing the allowed connection protocol makes is not craftbukkit? Seems Legit
  14. Geekxboy When I say CraftBukkit I mean an official build of CraftBukkit, which does not support protocol hacks. So yes, it does.
  15. Offline


    AdamQpzm Its still CraftBukkit as I haven't changed the main infrastructure
  16. Geekxboy No matter what you say, it's not an official CraftBukkit build and therefore does not belong on these forums.
  17. Offline


    AdamQpzm And no matter what you say, Its not against the rules to use a slightly modified version of craftbukkit as long as its not heavily modified like Spigot
  18. Geekxboy Yes it is. These forums are for official builds only.

    * Edited out a part I was apparently wrong about :p
    DrPyroCupcake likes this.
  19. Offline


    AdamQpzm To make you happy, Im using an official craftsbukkit build but still using my stripped down spigot load balancer/DDoS protection and now using it to modify the server handshake to allow 1.8 clients.
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