clearing inventory is bugging.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bennie3211, Nov 6, 2014.

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    Hello Bukkit,

    I've a little problem with clearing my player's inventory. If I use this:

    2. pl.getInventory().clear();
    3. pl.getInventory().setArmorContents(new ItemStack[] {null, null, null, null});

    it removes everything from the player expect the item the player is holding. Anyone can tell me how to solve this? If you need more from my code tell me!

    Version: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-24-g07d4558-b3116jnks (MC: 1.7.10) (Implementing API version 1.7.10-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
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    1. pl.getInventory().setItemInHand(null);
  3. Offline


    Get the item in hand a remove it seperatly?
  4. Offline


    Watto Just
    1. p.getInventory().setContents(null);
    2. p.getInventory().getArmorInventoryContent().setArmorInventoryContent(null);
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    If i do pl.getInventory().setContens(null); it will throw a NPE. About pl.getInventory().getArmorInventoryContent().setArmorInventoryContent(null); this one doesn't exists.

    I have added pl.getItemInHand(): & pl.updateInventory(); and now everything gets removed, but if the player holds an item in his hand an get the item again by clicking a sign, he has 2 of them. This happens only if the player hold the item. I don't know how?!
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    bennie3211 those codes should work properly i use them on every plugin i make that needs to remove inventory and the armor content i am not 100% sure because i wrote that without looking at bukkit documents but it should look something like that try p.setArmorInventoryContent(null) or something like that
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    EnchantedMiners Its working, it clears the player inventory (correctly) but there is a duplicate glitch right now :l When the player hold an item in his hand, and there inventory gets cleared, they can click on that slot again and the item will appear again, and yes, I added setItemInHand(null); and still it gives the glitch :l
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