Plugin Req: Pop Up Join Message

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MC_Ultimate, Nov 4, 2014.

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    Suggested name: Either something like "PopUp" or "Reminder"
    What I want: You know that thingy that pops up if you're on a server that has a recommanded texture pack? Wouldn't it be quite cool if you could have that but display a custom message? I'd like something like that ^_^
    Heres a picture of how the default looks:[ATTACH=full]22375[/ATTACH]
    Commands: /popup reload
    - popup.join
    - popup.reload
    popup.join is on by default, but you can negate it ( - -popup.join) to disable it for people with that perm
      line1: '&1> &3Hey &e%player%&3! There are &b%online%&3/&b100 &3online!'
      line2: '&1> &2Remember to vote everyday for rewards!'
    Variables for the config:
    %player% - Returns the players displayname
    %rawplayer% - Returns the players raw username
    %online% - The amount of online players
    When I'd like it: Soon as possible :D Also, is this even possible to make?
    Btw: The config is just an example where I've put some stuff that I think would be good to have, I had more ideeas such as "PLAY_SOUND" and such.. Thanks!
    ^^^^^^^^ old request, new request below

    Suggested name: Either something like "PopUp" or "Reminder"

    What I want: A GUI that opens automatically when a player joins the server, I was thinking that a book would be good so you can write messages in it. Yes it would depend on Vault I believe.
    If this plugin gets expanded, it could do a lot of stuff such as hooking into Factions so you could add eg. a "%faction%" variable (se below) and the other types of plugins that does awesome stuff.. you know what i'm saying.


    /popup reload

    - popup.popup
    - popup.join
    - popup.reload
    popup.join is on by default, but you can negate it ( - -popup.join) to disable it for people with that perm

      - '&3Hey &e%player%&3!'
      - '&3There are &b%online% &3online!'
      - '&aYour information:'
      - '&7Nickname: %player%'
      - '&7Username: &e%rawplayer%'
      - '&7Rank: &e%rank%'
      - '&7Money: &e%balance%'
    Variables for the config:
    %player% - Returns the players displayname
    %rawplayer% - Returns the players raw username
    %online% - The amount of online players
    %rank% - Returns the players rank
    %balance% - Returns the players economical balance

    When I'd like it: Soon as possible :D Also, is this even possible to make?

    Btw: The config is just an example where I've put some stuff that I think would be good to have, I had more ideeas such as "PLAY_SOUND" and such.. Thanks!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MC_Ultimate We aren't able to open that screen, and even if we were: that screen is client side.
  3. MC_Ultimate You can do a GUI, but we can't do the screen with the buttons because that is client side.
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    Ok, but if we step aside the buttons, is it possible to do it? like just the pop up message?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    MC_Ultimate GUI, chat, scoreboard or bossbar, that are your options.
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    Is it possible to open a GUI automatically when a player joins the server?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Do you know if there are any plugins that does this? If so could you list me some? :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    For chat: most custom join message plugins.
    For gui: nope
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    Guess I'll change this request then..
  11. MC_Ultimate I can do it, also with Spigot (use the other section) you could use a title.
  12. Offline


    Further information? :)
    Do you mean such as the TitleMananger plugin? I allready got that, but I want something else that catches the players eyes even more if you know what I'm saying
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