Plugins needed for Zombie Survival Server

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Bowing219, Nov 1, 2014.

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    Hello, my name is Bowling219. I am making a zombie survival server based off the walking dead, so I'm gonna need some custom plugins. Here they are:

    Suggested name: AelisZombies

    What I want:
    In this plugin, zombies spawn randomly in zombie zones. There is one global zombie zone, with a minimum number of 250. The global zone priority is one, and higher numbers override. The priorites of over that override global will override the Minimum Number of the global zombie zone as well. Zombies themselves will also be modified. Zombies have Speed 1 and don't burn in sunlight. When you get hit by a zombie, you are put in a list that will kill you in 25 minutes and it will randomly decide which part of you was hit (Leg or Arm).

    If you do the command /Remove <Body part (Either Leg or Arm)> it will remove that leg or arm that has been hit. If you remove a arm, you are no longer able to open iron doors. If you remove a leg, you gain permanent slowness 2 until you die. If you are hit twice by a zombie, you gain permanent slowness 1 and are put in a list to be killed in 5 minutes. When you are hit 3 times or more by a zombie, you are put in a list to die in 1 minute, and you gain slowness 5, making it very hard for you to get away.

    In order for the ./remove command to work, you need a hatchet (Iron axe). If you do it without a hatchet, you will get nausea and be put on a list to die in 5 minutes.

    Ideas for commands:

    • /remove <Body Part> - Removes the body part of the command sender.
    • /zombiezone create <Name> <Priority> <MinimumNumber> - Create a zone for zombies to spawn in, and the amount of zombies will always be at or higher than the minimum number.

    Ideas for permissions: AelisMC.ZombieZone - Use the /zombiezone command with this permission.

    When I'd like it by: Anytime between November 1st and December 30th.


    Suggested name: AelisEmotions

    What I want: I would like a plugin with the following commands:

    • /marry - Marry a player.
    • /friend - Become friends with a player.
    • /relatives - Display your brother/sister and mother/father, as well as your wife.
    When your married to someone, you will be alerted if they die. If your wife/husband dies, your character feels a sense of rage. A message will come out saying in red "Your in rage because of your loss," and the amount of life you have will increase by 2 hearts. You won't lose hunger but the rules of Zombies still applies. Rage lasts for about 1 minute, and when your in Rage you move with a Speed 2 potion on. You also gain regeneration 5. When a friend dies, you feel sad. You gain slowness 1 and your hunger level doesn't change. This effect lasts for about 1 minute. When a relative dies, you feel extreme anger. You gain regeneration 10 and speed 5. You become almost impossible to kill. The law of zombies still applies to you. This affect lasts for about 2 minutes. If a husband/wife, friend, or relative affiliated with you dies, if you are within 25 blocks of their death location, you will be notified that they died.

    Ideas for commands:

    • /marry <playername> - Send a marry request to a player
    • /marry accept <playername> - Accept a marry request.
    • /friend <playername> - Send a friend request to a player.
    • /friend accept <playername> - Accept a friend request to a player.
    • /relatives - Display your relatives, randomly chosen by the AelisRelations plugin.

    Ideas for permissions:

    • AelisMC.marry - Be able to use the commands /marry <playername> and /marry accept <playername>.
    • AelisMC.friends - Be able to use the commands /friend <playername> and /friend accept <playername>.

    When I'd like it by: Anytime between November 1st and December 30th.


    Suggested name: AelisRelations

    What I want: In this plugin, when you first join the server, the plugin will search for about 2-7 usernames, depending on the randomly generated number. Then, once the number is choosen by the plugin, it will find <Plugin defined number> of users, and indicate them as either a mother, father, sister, or brother. There can only be 1 mother and 1 father. There can also be 1 mother and no father, same for 1 father and no mother. The plugin will have a /relatives command, so it puts a list of relatives looking like this:



    Ideas for commands:

    • /relatives - Display a list of your relatives.

    Ideas for permissions:
    • AelisMC.relatives - Be able to use the command /relatives.

    When I'd like it by: Anytime between November 1st and December 30th.


    Those are all the plugins I would like for now. Please note that all of these plugins tie together. I would also like the source code once created. Thank you for your time.
  2. Offline


    It's not possible to remove body parts from a player with plugins
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    TheCoolGuy123_5 I don't think he actually meant removing it physically in game, I think he meant more of just a variable that would keep track of which limbs are on and off and do different effects
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    I meant exactly that.
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