Plugin req: Wanted Levels

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MC_Ultimate, Oct 23, 2014.

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    Hi, Im starting a brand new GTA based server and I need to have wanted levels of course.

    What I want:
    The configuration will explain almost everything, but heres a brief description on what I'm looking for/needs to be created: A plugin that adds wanted levels to players and when it happens there will be taken actions. When a wanted player is caught(being caught means being killed by another player) he will be rewarded. All of these settings are defined in the configuration, I made a default config below, explaining this all. NameTagEdit is also used in the config, because the wanted players needs to be more visual to other players this is a great feature, and it looks cool. It's also just an optional add-on, I don't want the plugin to be depending on it.

    /wantedlevels reload - Reloads config - Alias: /wl reload
    /wantedlevels clear (player) - Clears a players wanted level - Alias: /wl clear (player)
    /wantedlevels give (player) (level) - Gives a player a level - Alias: /wl give (player) (level)

    wantedlevels.reload <- Permission for /wl reload
    wantedlevels.notify <- Notifys player about a wanted player
    wantedlevels.use <- Permission needed to acctually be affected by plugin
    wantedlevels.clear <- Permission for /wl clear (player)
    wantedlevels.give <- Permission for /wl give (player) (level)
    wantedlevels.* <- Grants all permissions

    How I think the config should look. (Optimized it for maximum customization and if the plugin is going to be public, which I wouldn't mind)

    # List of variables:
    # * {PREFIX} = the plugin prefix, specified in under "Misc" settings
    # * {WANTED} = use to replace the wanted players name
    # {PLAYER} = the player that caughts(kills) the wanted player
    # {LEVEL} = the wanted players level (specified in the "Name" setting in each level)
    # * = if it stands "Can use * variables" it means you can only use the variables marked with a * infront of it
        # Name will appear as the {LEVEL} variable
        Name: '&eWanted'
        # Amount of kills before plugin takes action (kills means killing another players, not mobs!)
        Kills: '1'
        # Add a prefix and/or suffix to a player when he gets wanted. Set to '' to disable (cant use variables)
        # Note: This only works if NameTagEdit is installed, otherwise it's useless.
        NameTagEditPrefix: '&e[WANTED] &f'
        NameTagEditSuffix: ''
        # Actions that will happen when the player gets the level. Can use * variables
          Commands: #use '' to not use commands
            - 'manuaddv {WANTED} prefix &e[WANTED] &7'
            - 'eco take {WANTED} 500'
          Messages: #use '' to not use messages
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou are now {LEVEL}&c!'
         # Actions executed when the players level is cleared(after clear/clear-time). Can use * variables
          Commands: #use '' to not use commands
            - 'manudelv {WANTED} prefix'
            - 'eco give {WANTED} 500'
          Messages: #use '' to not use messages
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou're no longer wanted.'
        # Time in minutes before level gets cleared from the wanted player
        Clear-Time: '15'
        # Should there be played a sound to the player when he is wanted? Set to 'none' to disable
        Play-Sound: 'CHICKEN_EGG_POOP'
        # Actions executed when the player is caught(killed) by a player. Can use all variables
          Commands: #use '' to not use commands
            - 'eco give {PLAYER} 500'
            - 'exp give {PLAYER} 5L'
          Messages: #use '' to not use messages
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou caught &a{WANTED}&c, he is no longer {LEVEL}!'
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou have been given the reward.'
    #Below is an example without the explanation
        Name: '&4Most Wanted'
        Kills: '5'
        # Add a prefix and/or suffix to a player when he gets wanted. Set to '' to disable (cant use variables)
        # Note: This only works if NameTagEdit is installed, otherwise it's useless.
        NameTagEditPrefix: '&4[MOST WANTED] &c'
        NameTagEditSuffix: ''
            - 'manuaddv {WANTED} prefix &4[MOST WANTED] &7'
            - 'eco take {WANTED} 1000'
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou are now {LEVEL}&c!'
            - 'manudelv {WANTED} prefix'
            - 'eco give {WANTED} 1000'
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou're no longer wanted.'
        Clear-Time: '30'
            - 'eco give {PLAYER} 500'
            - 'exp give {PLAYER} 5L'
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou caught &a{WANTED}&c!'
            - '{PREFIX} &cYou have been given the reward.'
        # Broadcasts a message on the server. Can use all variables except from {PLAYER} variable
        Broadcast: '{PREFIX} &4{WANTED} &cis now {LEVEL}&c!'
        Plugin-Prefix: '&4[Wanted Levels]'
    Notes in the config: If NameTagEdit is used, the prefix and/or suffix will be removed after the player is cleared (both with the command and with the clear-time)

    I know that this plugin probably needs a lot of coding, and it will probably take a lot of time, but I believe it's a very good plugin that can be used in many ways.
    (ps: yes, was originally made by CoD2204 which is acctually me, but this is a new user)
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    Maybe Iron Golems as a police?
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