Play sound from texturepack

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Xogos1997, Oct 26, 2014.

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    hi. i have problem i create texturepack for my server and i need code for play sound here is my code.
     player.playSound(player.getLocation(), ".minecraft//resourcepacks//assets//minecraft//sounds//sword_swipe.ogg", 1,1);
    Not working can you help me please? thx
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    well Xogos1997 if its a custom resource pack and you are making custom sounds, I'm not usre if you can play them. I think you need to replace minecraft sounds. And if you want to get it, you put the name of the sound you replaced
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    TheCodingCat You can play any sound, even if the server has no clue what the sound is. All sounds are managed client sided and are defined by resource-packs. The server just tells the client when to start a sound.

    So even if a sound is "", as long as the resource-pack defined it, the client will play it.
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    I'm pretty sure you can do it with packets
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    marti.2001 You can, but player.playSound() does it without you having to dig into NMS.
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