Looking TO help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kixes, Oct 22, 2014.

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    Hey guys I am looking to join a dev team, I am pretty good at java but I'm not the best. I am currently in school taking java classes and I am looking to join a solid project. I am a fast learner and and flexible.
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    The best help you can give IMO is to help out the devs who are working on a Bukkit alternative.
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    If you've got some work to show, you could show Mazen your projects and he might let you help with Trident.

    kixes likes this.
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    If you show me some work, it'll be possible you can join some non-profit projects I'm working on currently.
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    mythbusterma WesJD I don't have any projects other then some little school projects that I have made thats why I am looking to join a dev team to help me get started
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    Most teams are looking for experienced developers to contribute to the project. I haven't seen very many development teams that accept beginners (or any that are oriented towards new developers for that matter), so I think sticking with your classmates is your best option.
    mythbusterma likes this.
  7. kixes what i did to practice java was setting up my own big project. i made a lirbrary-program.
    first step was to set up the library. it's "database" was made of 2 textfiles, media.txt and borrower.txt. A medium has the flags title, ownername, type (book, magazin, cd/dvd or other), amount and id. You can borrow a every medium just 1 time, you can give it back, you can add new media and you can stack up media. For the gui i used swing. There is one window which shows a list of all registered media where you can search, borrow them and bring them back. The second window was made to be able to input title, ownername, amount and type. with the "add" button the new medium was added. if it already existed, you were asked in a seperate dialog if you want to stack up.

    After this worked, i added users. 1 new textfile called users which contains all usernames with thier passwords and a loginscreen, where you can choose from a choicebox one of the existing names and must enter the matching password. then login with the loginbutton and you can do whatever you want in search and add-mode. In the add-gui i changed the textfield for ownernameinput to a choicebox with all registered usernames.

    After this worked, i switched from textfiles to a mysql database using the ojdb6 javalibrary. i converted all my textfiles to tables in my database and switched all buttonfunctions to read/write on the database with sql-code. The gui didn't change until this point. Only the way of working of the logic.

    After this worked, i switched from the ojdbc-6 javalibrary to hibernate. I had to rewrite the mediaclass because hibernate wont let you do normal sql, you give an object to it and it will map it into a matching table.

    After this worked, i switched my gui from swing to javafx, because it just came out as i did. i removed all gui-classes, downloaded, installed and used the program javafx scene builder to create a new gui(this program generates .fxml files which contain all stats of the gui like width, high etc) and connected the old functions with the new gui.

    At the moment im trying to rebuilt it to a serverapplication with clients.

    This way i learned much about Input/Outputstreams, how objects are working and how classes are working, how to make a gui with swing, listener, how to handle exceptions good, how to deal with databases, how databases are working and how a connection with a database works, sql, how hibernate works, much about persistance, annotations, how to make a gui with javafx (with code and with the scene builder program), how guis are structured and built and how to seperate gui and logic in a way, you can switch one of them without changeing the other.
    What i expect from now on:
    - learn something about server-client communication and applications/application-server
    -learn something about webapplications (i will make this program also for web)
    -learn something about threading/multithreading while setting up the server & all that stuff

    I made this until yet in 4 months, every day 1 hour, compleatly allone with the internet :D I can only recommend you to set up your own project like this where you extend functions step by step. You also can use this example if you want to, i like it a lot and i learned a lot by doing it on my own, because almost every yt-tutorial is bullshit!!!

    I hope i could help you :)
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