JSON, message problem!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jusjus112, Oct 20, 2014.

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    I have in my plugin a JSON message, with tellraw.
    Everything works, except the run_command, it runs a command
    by the player, so if the player isn't op they dont have permissions!
    But, wich value is for console commands? so, that the player
    activate the command without perms?
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    jusjus112 You can active commands without permissions if you remove the required permissions or temporarily give them to the player and then remove them after they run the command. By 'value for console commands' I assume you mean the value to use in Bukkit.dispatchCommand(...) as the console, which is Bukkit.getConsoleSender();
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    i mean, in the JSON message form!
    So, i have the tellraw JSON message, and dont know what else to put in run_command for console sender
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    jusjus112 you can't. All you can do is create a new command that performs a command as console.
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