How would i code my own latest version of Bukkit ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EnchantedMiners, Sep 23, 2014.

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    Exactly what the title says idk if this is in the right post.
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    Skionz i which someone can continue with bukkit why they dead D: i mean ik why but D:
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    EnchantedMiners Nothing is meant to live forever, its time to let the dead rest in peace.

    If you are looking for a new server:
    • Sponge is planning to take the place that Bukkit held, a mod is being made to support old Bukkit plugins
    • Glowstone is planning to be 100% coded from scratch, uses no native MC assets, supports Bukkit plugins, supports 1.8 clients
    • Rainbow is on 1.8, supports plugins, has a small bridge to Bukkit
    All of these are still new, has many bugs, has only a small section of their APIs made. Any that currently supports Bukkit plugins will only support minor things, most other things will currently break.
  5. Offline


    Stop. Mentioning. Sponge.
    LordVakar and rbrick like this.
  6. Offline


    haha, they forgot to mention Trident and they have angered xTrollxDudex
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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2022
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    Wow. Most of them I have never heard of. What are your reasons for going against sponge? It seems to get a lot of hype. Is it because Glowstone supports Bukkit plugins? Most stable?
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    See discussions between me and mazentheamazin. It spans 5+ pages of proof and evidence.
    teej107 likes this.
  12. Offline


    xTrollxDudex am i missing something or do none of these projects contain nms from the 1.8 vanilla server like craftbukkit would.
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    That is correct. It is not really needed. You can do everything with out them.
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    Yes, Sponge depends on Forge, which you install over the installation of vanilla server. Glowstone reimplements NMS totally, recreating each class. Rainbow is closed source or something...
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    Gamecube762 i like those names hopefully they are GOOD and better than bukkit :D, which one of these would you recommend ?
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    Jeez just wait for Bukkit to be updated...
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    xTrollxDudex I agree with that. Glowstone is actually a really neat server software. It only makes 3 files! (Excluding run.bat/start.command & Glowstone.jar). It has the server configurations in its config folder, which is really awesome!
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    I'm only here to give the lost a map.

    Also, this is the first time I've heard of Trident, I'll be sure to look into it. I'll also be sure to look into that conversation you mentioned.
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  23. EnchantedMiners I have been working on a new Bukkit. It will not be too much different but also we want it to still be good.
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    It's actually a really good project, it's a (well, at least as close as we can get) clean-room implementation of the Minecraft server that is built from scratch. We've been working really hard at it, and it's coming along nicely. It's also written by people who are very experienced and quite skilled, not just because they have a big name like sk89.
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    To provide a tl;dr for those who don't want to read over 5 pages:
    • Only hyped because of 'big names'.
    • Lazy developers (hardly any progress shown on their repo, PRs left undiscussed, etc).
    • API of an API. Also pretty badly written as I heard (and seen, but that was a while back)
    • If Forge becomes inactive for unknown reasons, we are back at square one.
    • And if I might add from my personal collection:
      • Vanilla support is still planned (afaik there has been no official notice of it actually being in development with actual progress)
      • Forge is rather slow with updates. I mean, if Bukkit could take long, Forge isn't going to be much faster if not way slower
    Did I miss anything xTrollxDudex?
    Gamecube762 and mythbusterma like this.
  26. Offline


    Meh, you got most of it.
  27. Offline


    xTrollxDudex i think the best replacement for bukkit would be a replacement for craftbukkit. You can still use the bukkit api right since they only took down craftbukkit downloads, just not the nms craftbukkit code that calls all the bukkit events and stuff. get a good team of devs, split it up so everyone updates 20 or so nms classes and 10 craftbukkit classes. the team could be done in a month
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    Bukkit API is expired design. I've seen a lot of 2nd gen servers and they all look exactly the same: Abstraction + Implementation, and the Abatraction is copy/paste from Bukkit and rename some classes and methods.

    Realistically, it was designed for extensibility. Fortunately, spigot takes advantage of this. But what about all the other versions of 2nd gen? Obviously, some, like Sponge, will get lots of attention, extensibility is good. Others, just redundant to put there in the first place.
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