How to edit WorldGuard messages

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by billywhiteMC, Aug 2, 2014.

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    Hi guys,

    I'd like to know the easiest and simplest way to edit messages in WorldGuard such as "This is a non PvP area" and such.

    Bare in mind I am a noob and have a very limited knowledge of Java, I know where to get the class files and such, I simply do not know how to edit them without exploding my brain because I am so confused.

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    I think that would require editing the plugin which is illegal.
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    Inside the plugin jar file. Look around for a messages file, if there is one then you can edit them there, as for what 17xDillz1997 said, it would only be illegal if you disturbed a modified version of the plugin without permission from the author.
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    lolno. WorldGuard is open source, they let you edit their plugin.


    There is no specific messages file, and decompiling the whole plugin and editing it and compiling it again would take way too long.
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    Use /region flag <name> greeting <yourtext>
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    Your best bet is to submit a plugin request which can use another plugin (ProtocolLib?) to block sending chat messages, or edit them, based on the config (e.g. blocking 'You do not have permission to build here')
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    *If you dont know what you're doing, then it will take long.
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    I have a lot of time.
    This gives a message when you enter a region, it is not editing the actual worldguard messages.
    Thanks, I'll look into this.

    Errh yeah okay,

    I'm really confused. I don't really know how to do this with ProtocolLib... if someone would give me VERY detailed and clear instructions, or maybe do it yourself, if you have the time that'd me appreciated

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  10. Nope, you cannot change the current messages (something WorldGuard should think about), and to do that, you must de-compile the WorldGuard.jar, change the messages in the appropriate locations, and then export it again as a jar, which is something not practical, and against the terms of use. So yes, you cannot.
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