Per Player Config Files Help.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CytrixMC, Aug 29, 2014.

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    I recently learned that having player data in one config file is very bad and can cause lots of time to load a player's data (Of coarse if there are tons of people in a single file). Now I want to learn how to do that. This could be very useful when I would hold statistics of players such as kills, coins, deaths, and etc. What is a way to make Per Player Config file and be able to read and write data into each individual file?
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    You can use Bukkit's FileConfiguration on any file, not just getConfig(), which grants access to set(), get(), etc. Just create a file in the data folder with the name you want it to be (probably the player's UUID) and make a FileConfiguration instance. CytrixMC
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    How would i rename the file. and then create multiple files. SmooshCakez
  4. Offline


    1. File file = new File("Your Path","Your Filename");

    to create a file,
    1. YamlConfiguration Conf = new YamlConfiguration();
    3. Conf.loadConfiguration(file);

    to load your file as a config and

    1. Conf.getInt(String YamlNode)
    2. Conf.getBoolean(String YamlNode)
    3. Conf.getString(String YamlNode)
    4. Conf.getWhatever(String YamlNode)
    6. Conf.set(String YamlNode, Object Value)

    to read/write values to it.
    Everythin else is described in the corresponding Javadocs.

    Always remember to catch the exceptions properly and check what values your config supports.

    Hope i could help. ;)
  5. Offline


    Thanks. But wouldn't I have to make an PlayerJoinEvent then check if the Data Folder Contains the players name. If not not it would make 1 file. Am I wrong or right?
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    Using the above, on each PlayerJoinEvent, check if a file with their name (or UUID, if it does not absolutely need to be Human-readable, with changes to UUID to store data) exists. If it does not exist, create a new file with their name or UUID.
  7. Offline


    yes, but it wont create a real file on its own. In my plugins i usually use the method 'exsists();' of File to determine if the file exists and if not i create one using 'createNewFile();'.
    If the file already exists though, you can directly use 'loadConfiguration();'

    One of my Configs:
    1. public class ConfigManager {
    3. private File ICf;
    4. private Main M;
    5. private YamlConfiguration ICs;
    7. public ConfigManager(Main m) {
    8. M = m;
    9. ICf = new File(M.getDataFolder(), "ICs.yml");
    10. }
    12. public void loadICs() {
    13. //Here starts the code you would use on a PlayerJoinEvent
    14. if(ICf.exists()) {
    15. ICs = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(ICf);
    16. } else {
    17. try {
    18. ICf.createNewFile();
    19. ICs = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(ICf);
    20. return;
    21. } catch(IOException e) {
    22. e.printStackTrace();
    23. return;
    24. }
    25. }
    27. //Nodes to load/save
    29. }
    31. }
  8. Offline


    I sort of understand. So on join should i check if a file with the player's name exist. Then if it doesnt create a new file with the players name. Then I can add data to each player's config by checking actions by the player such as kills and deaths. Everytime a player gets a kill I see if the player has kill data written already written in the file. If they do I get the Integer under Kills and +1. Otherwise I will give them 1 kill and save their Config. I think I have the idea now. But how would I save the player's own config. would I do the same as a normal one like saveConfig(); or is there another way to do it.
  9. Offline


    Just use
    1. YourFile);

    One thing though. If the server isn't that big i would load the config into memory when the player joins and just save the values to config when he leaves. That should save some time/resources. (and it would be easier on the servers harddrive :p)
  10. Offline


    By isn't that big how many players do you think is fine for 1 file?
  11. Offline


    oh ok, i thought you wanted one file per player.
    You can store an infinite Number of players in your config. but keep the loading time in mind. A big file takes long to load or to search through.
    I would still recommend to store the data for the players online in memory. just load them if a players joins, manipulate them as he plays and save them back to your file when he leaves.
    Should be faster too.
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    So we wouldn't flood this chat I made a convo with you.
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