Keeping the first slot on the inventory bar open

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Kato233, Aug 22, 2014.

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    Hey guys,

    I am coding a class called a monk who has a greater increase in damage plus a chance to 'crit' for extra damage when using no weapon. Is there a (simple) way of keeping the first slot of the inventory bar open for his 'fist'?

    Unfortunately, we are unable to create an ItemStack of type AIR, with a renamed value to use in the first slot.

    Hopefully you can amaze me :)!
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    Kato233 empty slots cannot have a name. For it to have a name, there must be an item with the material id > 0. But that will also have the effect that the player will be holding an item, which you clearly didn't want :3.
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    You will have to handle any event that may cause him to have an item at that slot (cancel or add to another slot).
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    Morning folks,

    I was able to quench the thirst of this problem with the following code:

    public void onPlayerPickupEvent(PlayerPickupItemEvent event){
            Player player = event.getPlayer();
            * If the player is a monk
            * Create a new item and put it in the first slot of the inventory
            * using the additem method, add the eventItem to the next available slot
            * remove the item from the first slot of the inventory.
                ItemStack temporaryItemStack = new ItemStack(Material.DROPPER);
                player.getInventory().setItem(0, temporaryItemStack);


    Hey guys,

    So the code posted above works theoretically, however it seems that the addItem() method take the current amount and adds it. So, to combat this, here is what I did

    public void onPlayerPickUpEvent(PlayerPickUpEvent event){
                ItemStack temporaryItemStack = new ItemStack(Material.DROPPER);
                player.getInventory().setItem(0, temporaryItemStack);
    public void onPlayerMoveEvent(PlayeRMoveEvent event){
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    That is going to be incredibly resource intensive! Inventory.contains scans through the entire inventory, and PME is called multiple times, per player, per tick in some cases.

    I am facing a similar problem in wanting to implement "bending" skills. One thing I would suggest to bypass this whole issue is make a Resource Pack and distribute with your plugin, or put it on your server. Retexture some 'expendible' item (like a wood hoe....) to be invisible - or even make a "monk powers" icon that wraps around their hand.
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    Yeah we thought of doing that, but then for ever player we would have to make sure they had the resource pack. It is a bit resource intense, however a short term solution will work fine for us for now.

    I thought of creating an ArrayList for every slot of the inventory, and keeping [0] as open. If [0].contains(someitem), remove that item. Perhaps I will code that in the future.

    Thanks for your help NathanWolf !
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    Sorry, I can't use the code thing on my phone, but I used something like this in one of my plugins:

    public void onPlayerPickupEvent(PlayerPickupItemEvent event){
    Player player = event.getPlayer();

    for (int i= ; i < player.getInventory().size();i++)
    if(player.getInventory.get(i) == null){
    p.getInventory().set(i, e.getItemStack());

    I messed up replace i<0 with I =1

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    Um, just remove the item in slot 0 with a 1-tick delayed task?

    Also make the permission name a lot longer than just "monk" - like "yourplugin.monk" - otherwise you risk problems with other plugins.

    Take your first code (without the player move event) and modify it roughly like....
    1. final Player player = event.getPlayer();
    2. if(player.hasPermission("yourplugin.monk")){
    3. ItemStack temporaryItemStack = new ItemStack(Material.DROPPER);
    4. player.getInventory().setItem(0, temporaryItemStack);
    5. player.getServer().getScheduler().runTask( plugin, new Runnable() {
    6. public void run() {
    7. player.getInventory().setItem(0, null);
    8. }
    9. });

    (...might not be 100% accurate because I'm writing it from memory.)

    (oh and just in case you should probably check that the item in slot 0 is still your temporary hopper before you remove it - if it isn't you have a problem though, and so to solve this properly would require a whole lot more code :p)
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