Solved Counting rows in mySQL Database

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Tyler Christensen, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. I need to know how to count the number of rows in a table. And then get how many rows are in the table to an int. Could someone help? i dont have any code yet xD but i do know some sql with prepaired statements in Bukkit/Java.
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    1. int count = 0;
    3. while ( {
    4. ++count;
    5. // Get data from the current row and use it
    6. }
    8. if (count == 0) {
    9. System.out.println("No records found");
    10. }

    this is a example how to count the rows maybe not the best method to do it but its a way make a prepared statment with a WHERE `int` = "";
    Tyler Christensen likes this.
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    There's a SQL statement for that:
    Don't know exactly what you do...
  4. To add to the previous two answers (both correct). Which one you use depends on what you are doing.

    If you want a count of the whole table or just a count, doing SELECT COUNT(*) as Zupsub suggests will be faster, you then read the value from the ResultSet. If you just want a count of specific data without retrieving it (say all rows with the field name set to "john", SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName WHERE name="john" will provide that.

    If you want a count of a query you made (say, how many friends names came back). mechoriot's method will suffice, but should not be used if all you want is just a count and nothing else.
    Zupsub likes this.
  5. tehbeard well if i were to do the SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename how would i go about getting that int it makes and refrencing it to an int in my code?
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    Tyler Christensen Well....through your resultset obviously. If you are asking how to get the correct row by name, your solution is to give the row a name in the query, like so:
    SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM tablename
  7. Result set LOL ty xD ik there was a way of doing it, justkingda.... flew by my mind xD
    Ty Rocoty and tehbeard and

    Sorry, but how would i go about with the ResultSet to make how many rows there are to an int?


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2016
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    Doesn't it has a getInt or nextInt method? Use "*" as row name.
  9. i recived errors while doing something like that... :/
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    Tyler Christensen if you have a stacktrace or some error post it plz so we can help you the best ways
  11. You can use the column index instead of name, so:

    ResultSet rs = ....;//Read in the first row.
    int rowCount = rs.getInt(1);//Fetch value of first column of result as an int.
    rs.close();//Clean up time
  12. Offline


    Another way is also to do this:

    2. ResultSet rs = blahblah;
    4. many code
    5. much java
    7. int count = rs.getLast().getRow();
    8. rs.close();

    Or if you want the count the first thing you do:

    1. ResultSet = veryCode;
    2. if (rs.getLast().getRow() > 20)
    3. {
    4. rs.getFirst();
    5. while (rs.hasNext()) doSomething;
    6. }
  13. Lurvik there is no such thing as hasNext() though But similar answer to what im looking for... here is what i have now:

    And i still think most of you don't get the point of what im doing... in my database, i have several rows... all i want to do is count them... i dont want to get the name of one row, or get it's id or whatever, i want to know how many rows are in the database, then however many there are, make that to an int in java. heres what i have so far from what i know...

    1. openCon();
    2. PreparedStatement sqll = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'Hub_inheritance';");
    3. ResultSet rs = sqll.executeQuery();
    4. int r = 0;
    5. while({
    6. r++;
    7. }
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    r will always be 1 if you test that.

    1. Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
    2. ResultSet rs = stmt.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM database.table, database2.table2");
    3. int = rs.getInt("COUNT(*)");

    That should do what you want.
    Tyler Christensen likes this.
  15. TYYYYYYYYY Lurvik You da besttttttt!!!!!!!!!
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