Item meta

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ulsa, Aug 23, 2014.

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    Well , guys i have a question in my mind for some time which is
    How do you give items to players that only you can craft as a plugin for detecting later

    for ex "i can't detect by name because they can rename items , I can't detect by lore aswell
    same goes for enchantments and displayname"

    so I am asking is there a special meta that we can add to make items uniique for our plugin like giving em a custom id .. or do we have to use items uuid to make it unique from all the other items
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    You can use metadata , read a tutorial about metadata it's unique on a item :)
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    Well, how can you change the lore of an item? This is only possible with creative mod + hacked client I guess.

    However you can use NBTTags, there's a library out there, but it's a hacky way and may changed also with creative, I don't know.

    It's also possible with ProtocolLib to hide a lore (f.e. if it contains an uuid)
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    mine-care ItemStack does not implement Metadatable unfortunately :/

    Zupsub is right, you can't change the lore of an item, even with creative/hacked client. I'd go with hiding a lore with ProtocolLib
    mine-care likes this.
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    Totom3 Zupsub
    1. ItemMeta im = YourItemStack.getItemMeta();
    2. List<String> lore = new List<String>();
    3. lore.add("Line 1");
    4. lore.add(ChatColor.GREEN + "Line 2");
    5. im.setLore(lore);
    6. YourItemStack.setItemMeta(im);

    Make a list of a string of lore lines.. and Get the item meta and add the list to it.
    Totom3 likes this.
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    ChipDev Ahaha go home, you're drunk (or lost (or both)) :p

    When we were saying you couldn't change the lore... we meant as a player on a server without the help of third party plugins xD
    mine-care likes this.
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    Totom3 lol yeah, :/ used on projectiles that accept it sorry.
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    Totom3 Probz. drunk o,O
    But actually, here are the ways:
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