Why Can't I Spawn Animals In My Server Worlds?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by imyussy, Aug 15, 2014.

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    In my server I have noticed 2 weird errors. I cannot spawn mobs or animals in my server. In my Minigames lobby I want to spawn a villager but it does allow me to do that. I also tried doing '/spawnmob' in my mini games lobby but that didn't work either. I was wondering if there was a permission node I need to put in for players to be able to spawn in mobs. There might also be a setting I have disabled for spawning mobs that I don't know about. Another error is that barley any mobs spawn in my worlds. Also, is there a plugin I can install where I can set which worlds get mobs and which don't? And even if this isn't a plugin please let me know if there is a setting in a file that will do this. Also, is there a way to have more mobs spawn in the certain world? Because in my 'Survival' world, not many mobs spawn and this will be a problem for player if they run out of food.

    Thank you,
  2. If you are using a map that isn't yours, it will probably be that the person who made it disabled the animals with worldguard. If its yours, maybe you disabled it with worldguard "/region flag __global__ mob-spawning deny". If you want to enable this again just type "/region flag __global__ mob-spawning allow".
  3. Offline


    look in the bukkit config?
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