Grace period for EULA changes?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by JSmooth101, Aug 1, 2014.

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    My server is fully integrated to comply with the EULA changes, but other "Big" servers have not changed their stuff. Is there a grace period?
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    As far as I know, there is not. Mojang has effectively given a grace period by announcing the changes before they happen. Other than that, not to my knowledge.
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    There WAS a grace period. It ended yesterday at the 1st August.
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    That's what I was thought...
    Not sure why they have yet to change their stuff.
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    JSmooth101 It seems quite a shambles to be honest. The Mojang support team don't actually know whether there will be an updated EULA (link) and seem to be acting as if the blog post is a legally binding list of exceptions, whereas others seem to think it will change.
  6. JSmooth101 "Because they don't want to" is probably the most accurate answer :)
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