Solved Help with bukkit schedule

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by habbcraw, Jul 24, 2014.

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    Hey I've been trying for Days now to find a solution to this and hope that you can help me.

    So I need to do event.setCancelled(true) inside an event to be able to do as I wish but an usual bukkit sheduler doesn't work so I tried the thing called callable which didn't work either it just got me to time out from the server except if I used a thread outside bukkit which won't work in this case. So how should I do this..?
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    Cancelling an event through another thread or through a BukkitTask will almost never work anyway. Why do you want to do this?
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    I know it won't work thats why I wanted help but anyway I fixed this by saving data into an Array on gamestart and using that instead to prevent lag.
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