Performing a specific command if player killed

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ScrubHunterYT, Jul 22, 2014.

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    A simple (I think) plugin request.

    Killing someone will perform a command and give you weakness and poison for 10 seconds.

    But! Example, I got a plugin (KingKits) and if you kill a player that example has choosen /pvpkit Archer, you will perform that command.
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    if you want the command in your kit plugin. your kitplugin needs to support command executing
  3. Offline


    I am new to this :)
    And how do I make the player get some items, that they get from excutting a commnad (dont have to be choosen in-game, this is a private plugin)
  4. Offline


    Some kit plugins don't support this feature, so it's not possible if you can't change the source code.
    and for getting the items you can just use /give [player] [item] from bukkit
    EDIT: please tag me
    ScrubHunterYT likes this.
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    What about, that if you have a permission, you don't give or receive any knockback?
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    I think knockback is not in the bukkit api so is not cancelable
  7. Offline


    crolemol It is definitely cancelable.
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    I believe it is possible to do this as "KingKits" allows Devs to hook into the plugin. I could give this a shoot.

    Just provide me with some more details about what you want.
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    RRServer Actually I now find it more importment, that if you have a permission, you don't receive or give any knockback?

    Or this:
    When you crouch you teleport to the last player you hit in the past 10 seconds.
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    Both requests are possible/not difficult.

    I just need details like plugin name, permissions, before I can make this!
  12. Offline


    ScrubHunterYT I made a plugin before, and I think it may be what you are looking for. Its called KillCommands. Everytime a player kills another player, you can set a command to run on the killer, and a command to run on the person who got killed. The one problem is that you can only run one command on the killer and killed.
    Here is my info on it:
    killcommands.killer - If the killer has this permission the set command will run on them.
    killcommands.killed - If the person who died has this permission the set command will run on them.
    killcommands.set - Anyone with this permission can change the killer and killed commands.
    /kc - Main comand
    /kc help - Displays help
    /kc killer <command> - Set the command to run on killer (if they have permission)
    /kc killed <command> - Set the command to run on the killed (if they have permission)
    <killer> will be replaced with the killers name.
    <killed> will be replaced with the person who died
    /kc killer give <killer> diamond_sword 1 (The new command is is "give <killer> diamond_sword 1")

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