Player based gold economy plugin (McPvps/McTeams)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Freezing_Flame, Feb 8, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Economy

    Suggested name: McGoldEco

    What I want: I'd like this plugin to be exactly if not similar to the McPvP or McTeams gold economy plugin. It will have the player based economy that they have and whatever another players sells will go on the market for however much gold they put it up for and other people will be able to buy it. The way for them to get gold will be from mining, putting stuff up on the market for them to get money from other players, and just trading gold for items that aren't on the market.

    Ideas for commands: /deposit [amount of gold] or just /deposit all (also add /d as a substitute)
    /withdraw [amount of gold] (/w)
    /balance [shows how much gold you have in your account] (/bal)
    /buy <amount> <item> <limit>(of gold)
    /sell <amount> <item> <price>

    Ideas for permissions: No idea how to make this D:

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can.

    Lol that Capt_leo guy is looking for mcpvp/mcteams plugins too :eek:

    Thank you for helping me out!

    Could someone pls help :(
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    Looking for the same thing too!
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    GravedigginSearchBar likes this.
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