Block manipulation in public void run()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ReadySetPawn, Jul 21, 2014.

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    I've been trying all last night to make a mingame where lava rises one block every 5 seconds but I cannot target specific blocks in a public void run() method.

    Anybody know how I could duplicate every block of lava in the world and place it one block higher than the previous lava block?

    Thanks :)
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    In the whole world would be a lot of blocks to check, since you have to loop over all the blocks there are. You may want to limit that to an arena.
    Also there should not be any problem if you get blocks by accessing the API as long as your task runs synchronously.
  3. Offline


    Why can't you target specific blocks in a Runnable#run() method? Seems to me you can just do this:

    1. public class LavaRaiser implements BukkitRunnable {
    3. private final World world;
    5. public LavaRaiser(World world) {
    6. = world;
    7. }
    9. @Override
    10. public void run() {
    11. // Use the world to find blocks and manipulate to your heart's desire.
    12. }
    13. }

    1. /**
    2. * Returns a BukkitTask of the LavaRaiser...
    3. *
    4. */
    5. public BukkitTask startGame(JavaPlugin plugin, World world) {
    6. LavaRaiser raiser = new LavaRaiser(world);
    7. return plugin.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimer(plugin, raiser, ...);
    8. }

    You can only manipulate synchronously anyways, so you can just use
    1. Bukkit.getWorld(...);

    to manipulate blocks... I don't understand your issue.
  4. Offline


    What if it's in a void world? Would it still loop through the air blocks?
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    What the hell is a void world?
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    Thanks :)

    I'll try that

    Here's my code:

    private final World world;

    public Lava(World world){ = world;

    private final Block block;

    public Lava(Block block){
    this.block = block;

    When I only have one private final, it has no errors but when I add another, it gives "The blank final field world may not have been initialized" error.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    ReadySetPawn in the Block constructor you can use getWorld(), but the World constructor doesn't have a specific block, so you have to scrap that one
  12. Offline


    In the Lava(World world), make block = null. In the Lava(Block block), make world = null.
  13. Offline


    TeeePeee NullPointerExceptions for you sir
  14. Offline


    if(world==null) { block isn't null. }
    else { world isn't null. }

    Easily distinguished. NPEs go byebye.

    Perhaps I initially misunderstood. I see in your post each Lava has a certain block associated with it. The way I'm suggesting, it's possible to have a world (to scan an area perhaps for blocks) or just specify one block.
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    Doesn't a Block have a Location and a Location have a World ? What is the use of the constructor with the World arg ?

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    DevilMental optimally they would be merged in one constructor. Since Block has a World reference, the Block constructor would suffice
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    But you have to know which world to operate on, unless he's making a scheduled task for each lava block 0.0
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    fireblast709 Yes, that's what I pointed out ;)
    mythbusterma Actually, you can get the block's location, in which you can get the world, so why having two constructors ?


    Oh, that's what I meant in my previous posts, but thank you for telling me ;)
    EDIT : I made a doublepost, sorry for that, I thought you replied to me so I answered ;)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    I understand that , but I was under the impression he was creating one scheduler per World, and passing in a Block for that wouldn't make any sense. I don't think two constructors makes any sense either.
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