Tnt Blasting and Player Spawn

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TMAN93436, Jul 14, 2014.

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    I just want a way to set a spawn where the ignited tnt spawns and gets shot at a specific area.

    Is there a way to do this?

    If there isn't how do I make it so tnt explodes in an area but it happens at random places in the area?

  2. Offline


    • Set a spawn for what? Blocks? Entities? Players?
    • How does the ignited tnt "spawn"? Do players place it? Do you spawn it with your code?
    • How does it shoot? Tnt cannon? Velocity?
  3. Offline


    I want to make it so one command sets the spawn for players and one command from where the tnt shoots out of and a command for where the tnt lands, in this case a random area.
    And yes I want it so the velocity changes depending on where the tnt shoots out of.
    What i am trying to create is a minigame similar to this:
  4. Offline


    Set spawn:
    player.getWorld().setSpawnLocation(x, y, z);
    Spawn TNT & Set Velocity:
    World world = player.getWorld();
    Location location = player.getLocation();
    TNTPrimed tnt = (TNTPrimed) world.spawn(location, TNTPrimed.class);
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