Rankup plugin with prefixes

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Zangoran, Jun 25, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Prison

    Suggested name: Rankup

    What I want: I want a rankup plugin that allows you to do "/rankup" to go to the next rank.

    I want the plugin like this servers rankup plugin: play.blockedup.net. I want it just like that.

    Ideas for commands: /rankup

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions I want anybody to rank up if they want

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can finish it no deadline.
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  4. Offline


    Most of those plugins depend on Vault or a specific permission management plugin (like PEX) to handle the rankup from groups to groups. As for the prefixes, if your permission management plugin doesn't feature something for that already, you're looking for a chat management plugin. EssentialsChat should do the job if you want it to work with your permission management plugin, or something like http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simple-prefix/ if you want to work on its own, although requiring more configuration time.

    Further discussion on this matter doesn't belong in this section, though.

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