Group Manager Not Giving In Game Commands

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Science007, Jun 22, 2014.

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    I am running a craftbukkit 1.7.9 server with the following plugins/folders currently in my plugin folder:
    EssentialsXMPP (not sure at all what this is)
    JavaDocs (idk why this is here but it was auto part of some plugin and added to this folder)
    Multiverse-TeleportFilter (this shows up in red when I type /plugins in the server)
    contrib (no clue what this is either)

    So here is the group manager file.

    When I deop myself on server and try out some of these commands from different ranks (lets take admin for example) it does not give me any commands when I type /hg it just shows an empty area of the hungergames help page. And when I try using the portals for multiverse that I have made with admin, as it inherits the guest's ability to use portals however it does not work when I enter then exactly the same when as when I am op. These errors continue throught a few other plugins, so if someone could help me figure out why so many of the other plugin commands are not operating from the server with this correctly formatted groupmanger file that would be awesome! If you need to see any of the plugins config files ask me in comments and ill post the ones you need. I am renting the server from envioushost and using the multicraft control panel. I had troubles with titles in chat being repeated 4 times when I had towny installed so I temporally removed that and factions and now it only reapeats it twice. I removed factions, yet somehow I can still make a faction in game which freeks me out as there is only the factions.jar file and no factions folder in the plugins folder. (questions for later xD) so if anyone could help this very confused first time server own out that would be wonderful! Thanks in advance! P.S. I have tried the ranks with other people so its not just some weird client side thing occurring.

    Oh here is the most recent start up log as well.
    And here is an even more recent one.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Offline


    Start off with disabling globalgroupsmanager, and using GM version 2.1.11 or 2.1.19, and see if it works better.
  3. Offline


    Should I disable it or uninstall it? could you also link the group manager version because when I use the wiki it only gives me the option to get the latest version! thx! sorry for my noobness at all this, but once I get it I will not forget.
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  5. Offline


    ok I disabled it and now I only have 2 help pages and when I try /hg for example nothing shows up at all, and no plugins show up besides essentials and essentials-spawn in the /help menu.
  6. Offline


    Science007 have you also changed the GM version to what I said?
  7. Offline


    no, could you or someone else please link it? I srsly cant find it xD but ill look some more.

    EDIT: So, I have been looking all over the interwebs for versions of groupmanager, and I can only find the one they offer at their wiki page. Please could someone link a place to get different versions of group manager so I can continue figuring out why the permissions are not working! thx!
  8. Offline


    Science007 that link you found would get you 2.1.19..
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    A very strange thing just happened (I have not added GM2.1.19 yet either, was just about to when this happened). I added the votifier plugin manually to my servers plugin folder via multicraft uploading and when the server restarted almost all the other plugins were working again. excluding hunger games. however upon testing the rank permissions, it was still not allowing me to do what I gave myself the ability to do in the group manager file at certain ranks without op. This is very confusing and it may have something to do with multicraft because when I type /help one of the plugins not showing up (this is after two restarts of installing voltifier) is voltifer, however I think I installed essentials manually aswell and that certainly shows up. If anyone has any ideas pls tell me xD oh here is the new server log.

    As you can see votifier was loaded but not included in the /help command I was trying. Any new ideas before I change versions of GM or should I just do that now?
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  11. Offline


    But he said 2.1.19! now I am so confused xD I got 2.1.19 so lets see what changes. I saved your 2.1.11 version aswell in case you want me to test that one too.

    Ok so I changed GM to 2.1.19 and updated my GM list a bit. here is the new one
    If you could check to see if I made errors in hungergames, and multiverse in their naming or something because those two are not working with group manager atm. craftbook is and essentials is and worldborder from what I can tell is, I have not tried worldedit but I think its safe to assume (never is) that its working aswell. Here is the new log
    Just noticed this but it seems I have factions aswell. Ill wait till someone else gives me more advice before I do this, but I might uninstall it to see if that changes anything and then install it again. Keep in mind I NEED factions and towny both working on my server. I am ok with only figuring out factions for now, but I will need it before I open server to the public. Towny I think can wait a bit longer to make sure everything is working properly with other plugins in that... as I experniced lots of issues before. ALSO: IMPORTANT: autorank when I type its command (op and not op) says disabled on server, check server.log and I don't have a clue to whats wrong with that, so more ideas is needed there too.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  12. Offline


    Both hunger games and autorank configs are broken.
  13. Offline


    I'll link the configuration files for both of those when I get home in 6 hours. Also multiverse is not working when I tried it. Is there any mistake in my GM.yml file in terms of the correct order and name of commands because the only thing I heard about order is that put the .* ones last and the negate ones first, but is there any more specific details, such as if I have a few commands in lower ranks for essentials for example, and have the essentials.* later on, will they interfere or anything similar to that?
  14. Offline


    I don't see an issue in the groups.yml file it self.
  15. Offline

    Science007 Autorank simple config (which I am using) Autorank settings hungergames config multiverse-core config multiverse-inventories config
    The other config and other files I cannot post in paste bin because I have reached my 24 hour limit... so ill just add them here.

    This is the Portals.yml for multiverse
    currency: -1
    amount: 0.0
    safeteleport: true
    teleportnonplayers: false
    handlerscript: ''
    owner: Scientist007
    location: 191.0,91.0,536.0:191.0,94.0,539.0
    world: world
    destination: p:Test2
    currency: -1
    amount: 0.0
    safeteleport: true
    teleportnonplayers: false
    handlerscript: ''
    owner: Scientist007
    location: 191.0,91.0,529.0:191.0,94.0,532.0
    world: world
    destination: p:Test

    This is the multiverse-portals config file
    # This is the MV-Portals Config. If you mess it up, copy the values out
    # delete it, and it will be regenerated. Then use the ingame interface
    # to add your values back via the "/mvp conf" command.
    # When in-game, simply type: "/mvp conf ?" for help.
    # A config with explanations can be found here:
    wand: 271
    useonmove: true
    portalsdefaulttonether: false
    enforceportalaccess: true
    portalcooldown: 1000
    clearonremove: false
    teleportvehicles: true
    framematerials: []
    version: 2.7

    This is the iDisguise config
    # If set to true the disguises will be saved when the plugin is disabled
    save-disguises: true
    # If set to true every disguised player has his original name above his head
    show-name-while-disguised: false
    # Here you must put the worlds where disguising should be allowed
    permitted-worlds: {"world","world_nether","world_the_end"}
    # If set to true players are undisguise when they hit another player
    undisguise-on-hit-other: false
    # If set to true the sound system is enabled, for more information visit
    sound-system: true
    # If set to true players are undisguise when they are hit by a projectile (e.g. arrow, snowball)
    undisguise-on-projectile-hit: false
    # If set to false disguised players cannot be damaged
    entity-damage-while-disguised: true
    # Here you must put the language code, for more information visit
    localization: enUS
    # If set to true players are undisguised when they are hit by another player or mob
    undisguise-on-hit: false
    # If set to true mobs cannot target disguised players
    no-target-while-disguised: false
    # If set to true players must have "iDisguise.undisguise" permission to undisguise
    permission-for-undisguise: false
    # If set to true the plugin automatically checks if an update is available
    check-for-updates: true

    So if you see any issues there please let me know, I left most of them as default so its probiable an issue is in there.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone at all? No one wants to help me D":

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  16. Offline


    World edit it working. Still need advice with hungergames, multiverse, iDisguise, and certainly auto rank. Also if you have some tips and hints on factions and how to get it to work with the plugins I already have, that would be wonderful.
  17. Offline


    Ok I got everything working except auto rank and hunger games. Also I have an issue where it says [worldname][groupname] of each player before their gorupmanager title. I checked the multiverse config and turned off the thing that displayers the world in chat, and it did nothing. Also auto rank still says its disabled and I am wondering if it even connects with gorupmanager. Could someome PLEASE help me?
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  19. Offline


    *more bump* PLEASE HELP
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