Chunk file in the wrong location; relocating

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by leimekiller, Dec 24, 2013.

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    So I am making a plugin (The walls) and it copies a map from the plugin folder into the root folder, then it imports the world. After that I get errors like these in the console:

    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityPig['Pig'/25805, l='1', x=111,19, y=63
    ,00, z=325,83] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 111.18874949592762,325.8276321098068 (chunk 6,20)
    but was stored in chunk 13,1
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityPig['Pig'/25806, l='1', x=109,45, y=64
    ,00, z=323,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 109.44999998807907,323.5 (chunk 6,20) but was stor
    ed in chunk 13,1
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityPig['Pig'/25807, l='1', x=110,53, y=64
    ,00, z=323,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 110.53051293767976,323.50065226114896 (chunk 6,20)
    but was stored in chunk 13,1
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/25808, l='1', x=10
    9,50, y=26,00, z=209,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 109.5,209.5 (chunk 6,13) but was stored in chunk 1
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityCreeper['Creeper'/25809, l='1', x=110,
    50, y=19,00, z=221,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 110.5,221.5 (chunk 6,13) but was stored in chunk 1
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25810, l='1', x=400,96,
    y=77,00, z=-43,51] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 400.9571133209399,-43.50525291640382 (chunk 25,-3)
    but was stored in chunk 9,-3
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25811, l='1', x=401,78,
    y=83,00, z=-46,70] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 401.7827787065239,-46.699554052854154 (chunk 25,-3
    ) but was stored in chunk 9,-3
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25812, l='1', x=218,50,
    y=66,00, z=-90,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 218.5,-90.5 (chunk 13,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25813, l='1', x=220,50,
    y=66,00, z=-92,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 220.5,-92.5 (chunk 13,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25814, l='1', x=217,50,
    y=66,00, z=-92,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 217.5,-92.5 (chunk 13,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntitySheep['Sheep'/25815, l='1', x=217,50,
    y=68,00, z=-94,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 217.5,-94.5 (chunk 13,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/25820, l='1', x=389,
    47, y=71,00, z=-3,38] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 389.46614768491554,-3.383432535031221 (chunk 24,-1
    ) but was stored in chunk 2,-4
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityChicken['Chicken'/25821, l='1', x=384,
    04, y=75,25, z=-5,51] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 384.0355239266385,-5.5097596553462065 (chunk 24,-1
    ) but was stored in chunk 2,-4
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityWolf['Wolf'/25822, l='1', x=346,50, y=
    74,00, z=-49,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:24 WARN]: Entity is at 346.5,-49.5 (chunk 21,-4) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:35 ERROR]: Chunk file at -2,17 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected -2, 17, got -1, 26)
    [16:35:36 ERROR]: Chunk file at 17,-2 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected 17, -2, got 5, -3)
    [16:35:36 ERROR]: Chunk file at 17,-1 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected 17, -1, got 13, -4)
    [16:35:36 ERROR]: Chunk file at 17,1 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expe
    cted 17, 1, got 4, 17)
    [16:35:36 ERROR]: Chunk file at 17,-3 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected 17, -3, got 20, -6)
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27374, l='1', x=323,50,
    y=72,00, z=-87,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 323.5,-87.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27375, l='1', x=326,50,
    y=72,00, z=-86,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 326.5,-86.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27376, l='1', x=325,50,
    y=72,00, z=-87,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 325.5,-87.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27377, l='1', x=327,50,
    y=72,00, z=-87,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 327.5,-87.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27378, l='1', x=325,50,
    y=72,00, z=-85,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 325.5,-85.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityHorse['Horse'/27379, l='1', x=321,50,
    y=72,00, z=-87,50] in world '1'!
    [16:35:36 WARN]: Entity is at 321.5,-87.5 (chunk 20,-6) but was stored in chunk
    [16:35:39 ERROR]: Chunk file at 18,0 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expe
    cted 18, 0, got 3, 6)
    [16:35:39 ERROR]: Chunk file at 18,1 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expe
    cted 18, 1, got 3, 13)
    [16:35:39 ERROR]: Chunk file at 18,2 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Expe
    cted 18, 2, got 3, 17)
    [16:35:39 ERROR]: Chunk file at 18,-1 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected 18, -1, got 15, -5)
    [16:35:39 WARN]: Wrong location for EntityCow['Cow'/27992, l='1', x=48,55, y=64,
    00, z=96,45] in world '1'!
    [16:35:39 WARN]: Entity is at 48.55000001192093,96.44999998807907 (chunk 3,6) bu
    t was stored in chunk 18,0
    [16:35:42 ERROR]: Chunk file at -2,21 is in the wrong location; relocating. (Exp
    ected -2, 21, got -1, 14)
    What I use to copy and import:
    1. Bukkit.broadcastMessage(plugin.prefix + ChatColor.GOLD + "The map with the most votes is: " + plugin.itm.intToMap(;
    3. File root = new File(plugin.getServer().getWorldContainer().getAbsolutePath());
    4. File dir = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/mapFolder/" +;
    6. FileUtils.copyDirectory(dir, root);
    8. File c = new File(plugin.getDataFolder() + "/mapConfig/" + + ".yml");
    9. FileConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(c);
    11. Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(config.getString("")));
    13. Location loc = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(config.getString("")), config.getInt("lobby.x"), config.getInt("lobby.y"), config.getInt("lobby.z"));
    15. System.out.println(config.getString(""));
    16. System.out.println(loc);
    18. for(Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
    19. {
    20. try
    21. {
    22. p.getInventory().clear();
    23. p.teleport(loc);
    24. }
    25. {
    26. System.out.println("There is an error in the lobby map!");
    27. }
    28. continue;
    29. }
    32. Bukkit.createWorld(new WorldCreator(plugin.gwm.getWinningMap()));
    33. plugin.o.unregister();
    35. plugin.fg.phaseConfig.set("phase", "min");
    38. cancel();

    Chunks look like this:
  2. Offline


    leimekiller Did you ever get this fixed? I am having remarkably similar problems :)
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