Solved Chat Argument help!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by pcgamers123, Jun 9, 2014.

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    How do we like create a command with a chat argument?
    Like: /me <argument>

    The argument will be what you wrote in chat.

    Then lets say that someone wrote /me pooped, then it will broadcast "PlayerName pooped!"
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    The args parameter (of type String[]) to the onCommand function will contain all of the arguments typed into a command, separated by spaces.
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    So, how would we write the code?
    Thank you!
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    Wrong section if all you want is the code to do what you want buddy
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    If you type /command argument1 argument2 argument3
    args[0] will be a string saying "argument1"
    args[1] wiill say "argument2" and so on.

    Look here for some more help on making commands:
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