Filled [simple] Show level in chat

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iwitrag, May 31, 2014.

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    IMPORTANT: This plugin should be compatible with 1.7.5


    I need to show level in chat. I need to implement this to essentials chat through their API, so I will be able to define something like {LEVEL} in config and it will get replaced by player's level.

    I'm not programmer though, and that's why I'm asking you for this plugin.

    What this plugin should do:
    Add new variable {LEVEL} to essentials chat, which will get replaced by actual player exp level.

    Thanks for your time reading this
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    ok, what is level? Rank / prefix?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I'm sorry that I was not clear enough.
    Yes, exp level just like timtower said.
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    Refresh [sheep]
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    I'll give this a bash, not sure how to do it but like every programmer I'll find someone who has done it before and alter their code ;)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    iwitrag Can add it to ChatLikeMe if you want.
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    Thanks for your wilingness but it's okay, I'm satisfied with essentials chat, I'm using it's per-group formatting feature. I just need to add {LEVEL} as one formatting variable into it :)
    Thanks anyway

    Sounds good, maybe you could see Factions code, because they are adding custom Factions tags to essentials chat ;)
    Good luck and please inform me about your progress, if you will do any :) Thanks
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    robbo5899 Get a higher priority then essentials chat, get the chat format, replace {LEVEL} with the level of the player, set the new format
    Father Of Time likes this.
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    iwitrag Done Just add {LEVEL} where you want the level to show on your essentials chat config.

    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    I'd be interested to see what you're using it for though
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2016
    Pengarty and iwitrag like this.
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    Wooow! It works fantastic! Thank you so much sir !
    Here, this giant emerald is for you
    Thanks :) You helped me a lot with that.

    I need this just because I'm making RPG server, where exp system will be different. You will gain exp from monsters and players, but not so much exp - and you will not use them for enchanting. You will need exp levels for wearing some epic equipment. You will not lose your exp levels after death.

    Thanks again, marking as FILLED

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