Need Help with percentual math!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Gabum, Jun 2, 2014.

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    I'm currently working on a Custom Battle System.

    Every Mob has a maximum health. For our example, it's 5.

    Then, every mob has a current health, which is also stored in a HashMap.

    I want to display the left health of the mob using the players' hearts. So I'm using the following code:

    1. p.sendMessage("Current Lifes:" + MonsterLifes.get(l));
    2. p.sendMessage("Maximum Lifes:" + MaximumMonsterlifes.get(l.getCustomName()).toString());
    3. double PlayerHealth = MonsterLifes.get(l) / MaximumMonsterlifes.get(l.getCustomName()) * 20;
    4. p.sendMessage(PlayerHealth + " left.");

    And the Output is the following (I'm using a weapon that deals 2 damage) after 2 hits:

    Current Lifes: 3
    Maximum Lifes: 5
    0.0 left.

    Current Lifes: 1
    Maximum Lifes: 5
    0.0 left.

    The thing that is confusing me right now: Why the hell is the quotient of Monsterlifes divided by MaximumMonsterLifes always 0.0? How can I fix this?
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    int / int results in int.
    Cast one of these to double first.
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    Gabum I'm just wondering why you would need to divide the two variables...
    Wouldn't you just subtract the current from the maximum?
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    I need to get the percentual value of the both, which I then multiplied by twenty to get the health I need to fill in.

    Thank you very much, that helped!
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    Gabum This is not the inexperienced Bukkit Developer you're looking for... *shifty eyes*
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    ZodiacTheories and Garris0n like this.
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