The most simple claim plugin ever!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FisherJack, May 14, 2014.

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    I'm looking for a very simple claim plugin. All the claim plugins are so complex and difficult to understand for the players.

    A great claim plugins would be with simple commands like
    /chunk claim
    /chunk trust (player)
    /chunk abandon(all)

    every hour you play you can claim one more chunk... i

    If anyone know a plugin like this please tell me :)
  2. Offline


    You could ask for this in "Plugin Requests" someone will most definitely do it for you :)

    But for existing plugins... There are none that i am aware of.
  3. Offline


    Might want to look at precious stones. It can be pretty simple to use but gives options for players to customize it quite a bit to their liking. (like setting WG flags)
  4. Offline


    Did a quick google search for chunk protection plugins and got ChunkClaim. Looks like it's designed primarily for creative servers, but it does what you want and looks super simple.

    Found some others too, but they looked outdated and not as simple to use.
  5. Offline


    Well, chunkclaim is useless in a survival server :/
    I don't understand that no one have ever made a simple chunk claim
  6. Offline


    FisherJack You could always use factions and give the player power per hour and set a max amount.
  7. Offline


    Protection Stones is even simpler. But the problem with simple is people have overlapping regions, then can't add their friends because they can't hit all of the regions, the regions never expire so long-gone players still have claims, etc, etc.

    For my new world, I switched to Grief Prevention, but players still aren't protecting their builds properly. So I've come to the conclusion that some players will be unwilling/unable to use whatever protection plugin is made available to them.
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    Oops. Sorry, that was the one I was thinking of. I don't use either one but Protection was inspired by Precious according to the description.

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