Need help with playerjoin event.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sailorerik, May 14, 2014.

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    Me and my friend made a plugin what vanish all players who is online.
    But if anyone connect, then joined player isnt vanished.
    1. package me.sailorerik.mobs;
    3. import java.util.ArrayList;
    4. import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
    5. import org.bukkit.Material;
    6. import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    7. import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
    8. import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
    9. import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
    10. import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent;
    11. import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
    12. import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
    13. import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
    14. import;
    16. public class main extends JavaPlugin
    17. implements Listener
    18. {
    19. ArrayList<Player> cooldown = new ArrayList();
    21. public void onEnable() {
    22. Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
    23. }
    25. @EventHandler
    26. public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
    27. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    28. ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL);
    29. if (!player.getInventory().contains(is))
    30. {
    31. player.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack[] { is });
    32. }
    33. }
    35. @EventHandler
    36. public void Nodrop(PlayerDropItemEvent e)
    37. {
    38. if (e.getItemDrop().getItemStack().getType()
    39. .equals(Material.SLIME_BALL))
    40. e.setCancelled(true);
    41. else if (e.getItemDrop().getItemStack().getType().equals(Material.MAGMA_CREAM))
    42. e.setCancelled(true);
    43. }
    45. @EventHandler
    46. public void playerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event)
    47. {
    48. Player player = event.getPlayer();
    49. final Player player2 = event.getPlayer();
    50. Action action = event.getAction();
    51. ItemStack Slime = new ItemStack(Material.MAGMA_CREAM);
    52. ItemStack magma = new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL);
    54. if ((player.getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.SLIME_BALL)) && ((event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) || (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK))) {
    55. if (this.cooldown.contains(player2)) {
    56. player2.sendMessage("&cError: &4You are not allowed to use Slimeball too often.");
    57. }
    58. else
    59. {
    60. for (Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
    61. player.showPlayer(p);
    62. player.sendMessage("§aAll Players: §cShown!");
    64. player.setItemInHand(Slime);
    66. this.cooldown.add(player2);
    67. Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {
    68. public void run() {
    69. main.this.cooldown.remove(player2);
    70. }
    71. }
    72. , 150L);
    73. }
    75. }
    76. else if ((player.getItemInHand().getType().equals(Material.MAGMA_CREAM)) && ((event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR) || (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK)))
    77. if (this.cooldown.contains(player2)) {
    78. player2.sendMessage("&cError: &4You are not allowed to use Magma Cream too often.");
    79. }
    80. else
    81. {
    82. for (Player p : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
    83. player.hidePlayer(p);
    84. player.sendMessage("§aAll Players: §cHidden!");
    86. player.setItemInHand(magma);
    87. this.cooldown.add(player2);
    88. Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {
    89. public void run() {
    90. main.this.cooldown.remove(player2);
    91. }
    92. }
    93. , 150L);
    94. return;
    95. }
    96. }
    97. }
  2. sailorerik Keep a list of all the players who don't want to see players. On join, hide the player from all of those players.
  3. Offline

    Bailey Payne

    You could create a HashMap to store the all players in, add them to the HashMap when they join the server and then hide everyone in the HashMap, that should work...I think.
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    How i do it then? If anyone can waste time and give code
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    I dont really understand your english (obviously pretty bad at it), but I noticed your Itemstack variables for slimeball and magma cream are the wrong way around.

    1. ItemStack Slime = new ItemStack(Material.MAGMA_CREAM);
    2. ItemStack magma = new ItemStack(Material.SLIME_BALL);

    Kind of annoyed me
  6. Offline


    Yes, am sorry for my bad english, and i fixed it.
    But still i need code for hiding players when they connect.
  7. Offline

    Bailey Payne

    Step 1: Create The HashMap
    Step 2: Create a onPlayerJoinEvent and add players to it when they join
    Step 3: Hide Everyone in HashMap
    Step 4: Remove player from HashMap when they leave

    The reason your code isn't working is because it checked for players who were online at the time of hiding them, so whenever a new player joins they will be visible since there is no code to update it.

    I would add the code of the steps if I had my coding IDE, its a bit tricky without it, if the issue is still not solved when I am home and am able to use my IDE I will write out the code for you.


    This may be easier;
    Step 1: Create ArrayList

    ArrayList al = new ArrayList():

    Step 2: Add Players when they join the server

    assume I have done the correct onPlayerJoinEvent and I have initialized the Player entity (Player p = event.getPlayer();)


    Step 3: Hide everyone in the ArrayList (done nothing here since you should know how to hide the players!)

    Step 4: Remove Players from the ArrayList on leaving

    assume I have the correct player leaving event


    That Should work.
  8. Offline


    If you are Home, then add code.

    All bests,
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