Kill Confirmed

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by fefe2008, May 7, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Miscellaneous, Fun

    Suggested name: KillConfirmed

    What I want: I'd like a Holographic display that spawns on the location where a Player died due to PvP. The Hologram should only be visible to the Killer and disappear after a set amount of time in the config. Messages should be Customisable with Color and Fromatting Codes in the Config too.

    Features/Variables for the Holograms:

    - %Player% shows the Name of the Killed player

    - %Killstreak% shows the number of kills the Player who killed the other one got in a row without dieing

    - "&" -Codes ( Colors,Formats)

    - Linebreaks

    - Up to 5 Lines should be supported

    No Commands needed / Maybe a /KillConfirmed reload (to reload the config file)

    KillConfirmed.GetDisplay (Shows the Killers of other Players the Holograms when they kill someone)
    KillConfirmed.reload (Reload Config)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can Please! Hope someone can do this!Thanks for your time and reading this!!
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Cool idea, I might make this into an actual minigame. I'll try to start with this aspect and send you it.
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  7. Offline


    Why are you still bumping it if you already got someone to make it for you??
  8. ImPhantom I'm guessing he did make it and, y'know, impatience...

    Any input Onlineids?
    ImPhantom likes this.
  9. Offline


    Just haven't had the time yet, working out how to get when they touch a hologram or (tag).
  10. Offline


    Give a custom name, on item pickup check if it has a name you defined if so remove item from inventory ? Quite simple
  11. Offline


    Wow your so right I can use pick up events for holograms! Thanks! -_-
  12. Offline


    Onlineids arnt holograms horses? If so check when play runs into a horse with a certain name. Or you could log everywhere that a horse spawns and when a players exact coords are like within .5 blocks away from the exact coords of the horse. That's what I can think of.
  13. Offline


    They are invisible cant be moved
    Think I might have to log the locations and get nearby entities
  14. Offline


    Oh youre using holograms.
    How about log location of it and when player is on that coordinates award it?
  15. Offline


    Will have to do nearby in case player is like on corner of block
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