Storing Entities in HashMaps problem

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AwzumSauze, May 11, 2014.

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    When I store an Entity in a HashMap, but then unload the Chunk the Entity is in, and load it back up, the Entity is no longer part of the HashMap for some reason.. Any help on this problem?
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    onChunkUnload {
    if(!entity.isValid()) {
    // remove from hashmap -- not removing will cause memory leaks

    onChunkLoad {
    chunk.getEntities() {
    // add to hashmap
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    How would I add only the specific Entity I want to the HashMap?
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    What are you doing with HashMap?
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    AwzumSauze You should use the entity's UUID instead of the object.
    rfsantos1996 likes this.
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