PEX stopped working? Need help ASAP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by NLGuillermo, May 4, 2014.

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    So i had PEX and it worked fine! And then it doesnt work all of the sudden?
    Here's the code:
    Please help me!

    You cant see [Owner] or any group in front of your name, the commands dont work and its red in the plugins list!
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    NLGuillermo Already answered this on my profile where you asked there, but just in case you don't see that:
    Here, try this one: You had forgotten to indent a couple of your inheritance lines, There was a - in one of your group names, and you had a random user group at the end of your groups list that had what looked like a playername as a permission node.​
    NLGuillermo likes this.
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    @JaguarJoTy jo, can you maybe help me again? I dont know if i can put permissions in a random order or do i have 2 do them alphabetic? Etc.. :S
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    Well the order you put them in the file doesn't really matter, if that's what you're asking. I usually do my files with the default group at the top and then going up the inheritance tree til I get to Owner at the end. But that's just me; it really doesn't make a difference.

    The rank values you give them is what determines how they rank up if you use /pex promote; ranks with bigger numbers are less important than ranks with lower numbers and rank '1' is the most important rank you can have. So promote will rank them up from the highest number down to the lowest.

    If you're using /pex user <username> group set <groupname> though, then you don't even need to use rank values because you're just putting people directly into the group you want them in.
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