Are 1.8 name changes live?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by broonie, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    Just a question relating to how my plugin stores user data.

    If a player changes their name, is that name change instantly reflected in-game, or does it require a logout?
  2. Offline


    From my understanding it requires a restart of the game / log-out.
  3. Offline


    acording to mojangs twitter the player should first relog probably even restart the launcher to make the name change effect, probably I think what happends is when they changed their name the session expires directly and so on the player needs to relog, you probably might get kicked with the message that you logged on a other location atleast that is what ive seen when running a offline dev server but that could be complete inrelevant though.
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