Town Plugin (Selection Based)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by bossomeness, Apr 19, 2014.

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    Name: TownsPlus

    Category: Mechanics, Fun, Anti-Griefing

    Description: I am in need of a town plugin that is based on selection with a wand, rather than claiming chunks.

    WorldGuard or Residence would be fine to use as a backend.

    Players should be able to invite create towns, invite others, create and remove plots, kick members from the town, set a town spawn, and remove the town. That's pretty much it.

    The creator of the town will be the mayor, and he can build everywhere in the town, including the players' plots.

    [] = Staff command
    • /town - Shows the town help menu
    • /town list - List all the towns
    • /town create <name> - Create a new town from the current WorldEdit/wand selection
    • /town invite <player> [town] - Invite a player to the town
    • /town kick <player> [town] - Kicks a player from the town
    • /town close [town] - Deletes the town
    • /plot - Shows the plot help menu
    • /plot list - Shows available plots, their size, and the price
    • /plot create <price> - Creates a new plot from the current WorldEdit/wand selection, sells for the price specified, and is given a unique ID, like A52 or J19 (unique to that town)
    • /plot add <player> - Adds a player to your plot
    • /plot remove <ID> - Removes the specified plot
    • /plot kick <player> - Remove a player's build/access rights in your plot.
    • town.list
    • town.create
    • town.invite
    • town.kick
    • town.close
    • town.plot.list
    • town.plot.create
    • town.plot.add
    • town.plot.remove
    • town.plot.kick
    • town.staff.close
    • town.plot.invite
    • town.plot.kick

    Example Config:
    #This is what I envision the config to look like
    #Valid options are "flat" or "block"
    #Flat rate to create a town
    town-price: 100.0
    #Price per block in a town
    town-price-block: 0.2
    #Plot creation fee, 0 for no fee
    plot-fee: 0
    #Maximum town size allowed, measured in blocks
    max-town-size: 40000
    #The prefix used in the message when creating and managing towns
    prefix: '&3[&eTown&3] &b'
    Note: Don't suggest Towny, because I know someone will. I also don't want to use WorldGuard as the town plugin itself, but it would be fine to use as a backend. I know of 2 plugins that do this, MCTowns, and SimpleZones, neither of which fit what I am looking for, because of the way the commands are.

    Feel free to suggest some stuff to improve this, but keep it constructive. I don't want a bunch of people saying "this would be too much work". If you don't have anything to contribute, don't post.
  2. Offline


    Bump. I know its less than 24 hours, but close enough.
  3. Offline


    Try, PlotME
  4. Im working on something similar called BlingTowns but with some extra added features, prepare for a video on it soon.
    bossomeness likes this.
  5. Offline


    :eek: I'm talking about a town plugin. Not really a plot plugin to generate a world of infinite plots.

    Ok. I'll watch for it.
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    sethbling WHOOOOO SethBling Making Plugins :D
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  8. Offline


    I guess this is still open, because I'm not really sure whether not_actually_sethbling is really sethbling or some impersonator.
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    I already have a town plugin with everything you described but I'm going to be adding a lot more things to it such as the ability to build shops, have different tiers, banks, economy, stuff like that.

    You can either wait for me to finish or I would be happy to help out another dev in finishing this.
  10. Offline


    jthort Any progress on this?
  11. Offline


    bossomeness I added economy to it, as well as the ability to have different tier towns. I also added more commands for the towns, so there are now admin, owner, member ranks for each town.

    I plan on adding a system to be able to purchase a bank, store, town center, and a couple other ideas I had in mind.

    I'm currently stuck at the dragging and placing for the town buildings, but I'll figure it out eventually.
  12. Offline


    @sethbling and not_actually_sethbling link to the same profile, so I'd assume that it is really SethBling.
  13. Offline


    Tried using worldguard? Basically everything you want with different commands...

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