[Request] Commands Click a Sign

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by PixalNinja, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: CommandLink

    >>What I'd Like: I was thinking of a plugin that, when a certain command is executed, acts as if the player clicked a special sign (like a kit sign).<<

    Ideas for commands:
    -/cmdlink create (name) (command) (permission) - Must right click a sign after running this command. The sign selected would be the one that would be "clicked" when a player runs the command.
    -/cmdlink list - Lists all existing Command Links by their name.
    -/cmdlink del (name) - Deletes an existing Command Link.

    Ideas for permissions:

    - cmdlink.admin - Allows use of all commands (Defaults Op may be?)

    When I'd like it by: No hurry. This plugin would be pretty much vital for my server, so the sooner the better, but it's no problem.

    The config could look a bit like:
    Honestly, I don't really care about the config.
    But if the commands are impossible to implement, here's an idea for the config:
    Disabled worlds: (world name), (other world name), ...
    -Name: (name)
    -Command: (command)
    -Permission: (permission)
    -Sign: (Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4)

    :rolleyes: I will love forever the person that makes this plugin... if someone makes it. :p
  2. Offline


    PixalNinja If you meant that when you click a sign a certain command will be executed, that plugin already exists: Command Signs.
  3. ServerSigns is good, because you can write anything on the sign, colors and such, and then link a command to it.
    Line 1 - Hello,
    Line 2 - I Like
    Line 3 - Waffles
    Line 4 - :D

    And that can run the command, /spawn or something :p

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