Updating 1.4>1.5 plugins

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by EwMeep, Apr 23, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    If I update bukkit to 711, would all my plugins from 684 not work? Shuld I want for a rec build and the plugins to update?
  2. Offline


    Most plugins work.
  3. Offline


    I have like 20 plugins
    And i NEED

    to work, can I guarentee on these? D:
  4. Offline


    no guarantee but i think they will work.
  5. Offline


    I know for a fact the Chestecon. and iconomy works but most of them actually do not. They will do the action you request but give the console a long list of errors sometimes causing chunks to disappear so your best shot is to wait for the recommended build and all the plugins you use (yes all 20 or 10 or 4) to be updated.
  6. Offline

    Jacob Litewski

    The only problems I have with 1.5 is WorldGuard's fires and WorldEdit's superpick not working correctly. Otherwise everything work's as it should for me.
  7. Offline


    Like I said before plugins will work as in do the action but can cause internal damage ex: missing chunks that can devastate a server.
  8. Offline


    Most plugins will work
    If not you need to wait for plugin developers to update their plugins.
    With THAT said there is NO RECOMMENDED 1.5_02 craftbukkit build yet.... so plugin developers still have time.
    Im personally on 1.4_01 and im fine with it, i dont see the big rush
    eagleFMJ and MCbyWay like this.
  9. Offline


    Agreed. Not to mention that the new server is still pretty buggy especially with all the new networking issues.
    Not to mention you are unable to have curves in minecart tracks which is seriously annoying.

    On Topic: The only plugin not working for me in 1.5.02 so far is Citizens NPC plugin but I haven't done a full check just yet.
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