[INACTIVE][MECH/FUN] TorchMissile v0.3 - Shoot light into the darkness! [713]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Clemens, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    TorchMissile - Turn on the lights...
    Version: 0.3

    You place torch by torch to light up a big or long cave only to realize that it is still somehow dark? You wish you could see what is at the bottom of a big hole or at the end of a long cave without having to walk the long way and placing thousands of torches? You wish you could maybe "shoot torches" to get dark unreachable places lightend up?
    Then TorchMissile is the right plugin for you!
    With TorchMissile a player can shoot missiles, which spawn torches on impact and illuminate everything.

    I have stopped with plugin development.
    Feel free to use any of my code ;)

    • Simple and Bright !
    • Shoot missiles that spawn torches on impact
    • Configurable number of spawned torches (you can even only shoot 1 torch!

    Download Version 0.3


    How to use:
    If you want to shoot a torchmissile, then get out your torches, hold shift and click the left and the right mouse button at the same time!! It will shoot a torchmissile which will spawn torches on impact.
    This plugin will NOT effect the normal use of torches. A player can still place single torches or mine blocks while holding torches ;)

    Number of torches:
    The number of torches which spawn on impact is configurable:
    • You can have as many as you want to (light up a whole island) or you can change it to very few (set to 1, it will spawn 2-4 torches) by editing the "Torch_Spawn_Radius" in the TorchMissile.txt
    • If you want only 1 torch to spawn per missile, then you can add a permission node to get this feature (see below) or if you don't use Permissions, set the OnlyOneTorch_Mode to true (also make sure to be an op)
    TorchMissile supports the Permissions plugin (tested with v2.7) and has the following nodes:
    torchmissile.SingleMode - players with this permission will shoot ONE (1) torch per missile
    torchmissile.Normal - normal permission (torches proportional to Torch_Spawn_Radius)

    In the TorchMissile.txt there are currently 5 options:
    • Torch_Spawn_Radius -- set to any number -> defines in what radius around the impact block torches will spawn
    • Walls_Only -- set to true or false -> defines if torches are also spawn on the ground or only on the walls
    • Missile_Glow -- set to true or false -> defines it the missile-block glows or not
    • OnlyOneTorch_Mode -- set to true or false -> 1 torch mode, to be used if no Permissions
    • Missile_Range -- set to any number -> sets the range of the missile

    Version 0.3
    • Data of blocks (tree color, wool color, ...) will now also be reseted to its original
    • Added properties: Missile_Range and OnlyOneTorch_Mode
    • Fixed permanent-glowstone bug
    • Fixed the bug that made missiles shoot sometimes when damaging blocks
    • Changed the way of firing a missile (added the pressed shift key)
    • Works on Minecraft 1.5
    Version 0.2
    • Added Permissions support
    • Added missile glow configuration
    • Players can now shoot only 1 torch with Permissions
    Version 0.1
    • Initial Release
    Show ToDo List (open)

    • Add configurable missile speed
    • Add option that a torchmissile costs several torches if used
    • Make video
    • More important stuff? You tell me.
    Mitsugaru and Steve Cole like this.
  2. Offline


    One thing to state. When you shoot a TorchMissile at anything that is not of normal damage value (Anything but white wool, Anything but regular trees, ETC.) it changes the value of said block to another value, normally the original but ive had it change black wool to gray, silver. Can this be fixed soon and updated to 1.5 :D
  3. Offline


    BUG: Upon firing torchmissle at any colored wool turns it into WHITE wool!

    Please fix!
  4. Offline


    Hi, we tried your plugin on our server, and it's really cool! I love it, but, it seems to have multiple bugs.

    1. Using it at bedrock level can destroy the bedrock
    2. Can break other blocks as well
    3. Resets any block's data value to 0 eg. 35:14 --> 35:0
    4. Can create glowstone permanently: Left & right click at the same time really fast about 4-5 times
    Hope to see these fixed! Thank you!
  5. Offline


    Yay people with the same issues as me :D . Please update and fix these soon.
  6. Offline


    its work fine^^ (CB 689,703,709,711) no update need (i say it because i havent found any bugs)
    es läuft gut^^ (CB 689,703,709,711) kein update nötig (finde ich da ich kein bug festgestellt habe)
  7. Offline


    I crashed my server with this mod. It's a cool mod but I was experimenting so I had the radius set at 20. That crashed my whole computer pretty quickly:mad:. Especially when we tried to blow up the island and restart. That destroyed my operating system. But this is an amazing mod. If only it had a lower limit to the radius and sometimes it shot a torch missile without me clicking. But again, an amazing mod, keep up the good work.
  8. Offline


    That's a little funny ^^ Oh yeah, with 2-4 I don't mean the radius... You can set the radius to 1 and it will spawn 2-4 torches. And there's also the One-Torch option ...Thanks for hinting at that missunderstanding, I changed the text a bit and hope it is clearer now :)

    Thank you, for people like you I will try to keep up my work ;)

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