Ore Announcer Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Shoween, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hi there, I've been looking for a plugin that announces when a player breaks Diamond ores.

    I'd like it to have these two main nodes
    For example:
    OreAnnounce.monitor - If you have this node, the diamond and emerald ores you break are logged.
    (This node would be used for my regular members)
    OreAnnounce.broadcast - Whoever has this node is notified by a message in chat if another player with the "monitor" node breaks a diamond or emerald ore block. (I would have this node for my staff)

    There is an existing plugin such as this called "Found Diamonds" however this plugin is broken and does not function correctly.

    As I cannot breach the plugin request rules, you can message me if you would like to make an offer and make it a private plugin or become a future plugin developer for our server.
  2. Offline


    Hi there,
    I think that Found Diamonds is a great plugin for what you want, which comes with other ores. However I do not exactly think that it is broke and "doesn't function correctly", but anyways I have done the plugin you requested. Though I did not test it because I have no server to test it on (I need multiple people to be exact, and I honestly don't know how to port forward a server). If the plugin actually did work I think it might be spammy as if someone found multiple diamonds it has to send multiple messages, too. Anyways, if you give me your server's ip and let me test it there I'd make sure to improve it and all. When I'm done I'll add it on bukkit and post the link here.
    Regards, deasertman.

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